What is the complementary strand for a DNA strand with the bases Ctaggt?

What is the complementary strand for a DNA strand with the bases Ctaggt?


What base does Ctaggt produce?


Question Answer
during DNA replication that DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases? GATCCA
what sugar does RNA contain? ribose
unlike DNA, RNA contains _____ uracil
what three things are found in both RNA and DNA? phosphate group, guanine, and cytosine

What is the complementary DNA sequence of this DNA Ctaggt?

The correct pairing for this DNA sequence , then, would be GATCCA. Guanine would pair to cytosine, adenine to thymine, thymine to adenine. Cytosine would pair to guanine, cytosine to guanine, and adenine to thymine.

What adds base pairs to a DNA strand during replication?

One of the key molecules in DNA replication is the enzyme DNA polymerase. DNA polymerases are responsible for synthesizing DNA: they add nucleotides one by one to the growing DNA chain, incorporating only those that are complementary to the template.

Why does DNA replication occur in the 5 ‘- 3 direction only?

DNA is always synthesized in the 5′-to-3′ direction, meaning that nucleotides are added only to the 3′ end of the growing strand. As shown in Figure 2, the 5′-phosphate group of the new nucleotide binds to the 3′-OH group of the last nucleotide of the growing strand. Two phosphates are cleaved off.

What is the difference between 5 and 3 in DNA?

The 5′ and 3′ mean “five prime” and “three prime”, which indicate the carbon numbers in the DNA’s sugar backbone. The 5′ carbon has a phosphate group attached to it and the 3′ carbon a hydroxyl (-OH) group. This asymmetry gives a DNA strand a “direction”.

Why are there 3 reading frames?

Genetic code During transcription, the RNA polymerase read the template DNA strand in the 3′→5′ direction, but the mRNA is formed in the 5′ to 3′ direction. The mRNA is single-stranded and therefore only contains three possible reading frames, of which only one is translated.

How do you determine the longest reading frame?

To identify an open reading frame:

  1. Locate a sequence corresponding to a start codon in order to determine the reading frame – this will be ATG (sense strand)
  2. Read this sequence in base triplets until a stop codon is reached (TGA, TAG or TAA)

What are the 3 reading frames?

There are three possible reading frames in any sequence, depending on the starting point. If the first frame starts at position 1, the second frame starts at position 2, and the third frame starts at position 3.

What happens if reading frames are altered?

Codons can specify the required amino acid during translation. The ways of breaking nucleotide strands into codons. If the reading frame was altered, then an entirely different set of nucleotides would be synthesized.

What happens if your DNA is altered?

When a gene mutation occurs, the nucleotides are in the wrong order which means the coded instructions are wrong and faulty proteins are made or control switches are changed. The body can’t function as it should. Mutations can be inherited from one or both parents. They are present in the egg and/ or sperm cells.

Why are there six open reading frames?

The genetic code reads DNA sequences in groups of three base pairs, which means that a double-stranded DNA molecule can read in any of six possible reading frames–three in the forward direction and three in the reverse.

What is the difference between reading frame and open reading frame?

Open reading frames (ORFs) are parts of a reading frame that contain no stop codons. A reading frame is a sequence of nucleotide triplets that are read as codons specifying amino acids; a single strand of DNA sequence has three possible reading frames.

What is an example of a missense mutation?

A missense mutation occurs when there is a mistake in the DNA code and one of the DNA base pairs is changed, for example, A is swapped for C. This single change means that the DNA now encodes for a different amino acid, known as a substitution.

Why is a mutation on the 3rd base in a codon usually silent?

Mutation is the change in DNA sequence of a cell due to errors in DNA replication or during meiosis. Even though an nucleotide sequence is changed, it does not alter the amino acid of the polypeptide, this is because silent mutation only occurs in the third base of codons as genetic code is degenerate.

Why are silent mutations called silent?

What’s a Silent Mutation? A silent mutation is a type of point mutation where just a single nucleotide is changed. This type of mutation causes no change in the protein that is produced, which is why it’s considered silent. The outcomes are the same because both three-base combinations code for the same amino acid.