What is the conflict in the short story Hamadi?

What is the conflict in the short story Hamadi?

External Conflict in Hamadi – Susan’s friend expresses how sad she is that her crush, Eddie, has a girlfriend. – Susan’s father expresses his mixed feelings on Hamadi, and he’s confused as to why Susan doesnt show interest in her real uncles.

What is the theme of Hamadi by Naomi Shihab Nye?

In “Hamadi,” by Naomi Shihab Nye, the theme of the story is that when things do not happen the way you want them to, life goes on. Thus, Hamadi comforts Susan and tells her that one must continue despite difficulties: “We go on. On and on. We don’t stop where it hurts.

How has Varick’s influence affected Tessa?

Tessa begins to question some of the choices she made while making her film. Tessa has become more open to criticism without becoming defensive. Tessa appreciates the struggles all artists experience in creating art.

Which statement best describes the relationship between Tessa and Varick in the narrative?

Answer: 1. Tessa tolerates Varick, but she does not think too highly of him initially is a true statement.

Which statement best describes a change in Jerome’s character that demonstrates his development?

The statement that best describes a change in Jerome’s character that demonstrates his development would be Jerome is more aware of the pain involved in losing someone or something a person loves. Hope this answers the question.

How does Jerome develop a theme of the story?

Jerome rallies his teammates to support the victims of a fire, developing the theme that people can overcome adversity by working together. Jerome hesitates to reach out to his friend, developing the theme that it is best to give people their space when they are dealing with tragedy.

What are the effects of using Jerome as the central point of view for the narrative?

By using Jerome as the central point of view the author is using the third person point of view, this kind of view is not impartial since every character and situations is seen through the eyes of the character who is the narrator, this shows the events that even affect other characters but as mentioned before from …

Which definition best fits the word debris as it is used in paragraph 6?

Question 2: Which definition best fits the word debris as it is used in paragraph 6? 1:Remains after something has been ruined.

What is the effect of the exposition of the story?

Exposition is important in a story because it allows the reader to see the location and factors of time, such as season, year of life, etc. It also introduces the characters. Without an idea of where and when the characters are, readers will be confused about why certain events are happening.

Which definition best fits the word plethora as it is used in paragraph 5?

Answer: A large or excessive amount of something.

Why is the description of Jerome’s room in section one significant?

Why is the description of Jerome’s room in section one significant? It reveals that Jerome is a soccer fan. Which sentence BEST summarizes the author’s characterization of the man in lines 3 and 4 of the poem? The man may have an attractive face, but he will be no good for her.

Which word or phrase signals a cause and effect relationship?

Effect is defined as what happened. Cause is defined as why something happened. Clue words that signal causal relationships include: such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since.

Which statement correctly identifies the cause and effect relationship?

Answer: The correct answer is The cause is electricians being unionized, and the effect is Giuseppe D’Amico having a hard time finding a job. Explanation: Cause and effect.

Which phrase signals a cause-and-effect relationship who use to prevent and thus they were?

The phrase “and thus” signals a cause-and-effect relationship.

What happened as a result of immigrants having a mild physical illness upon their arrival in America?

According to “Island of Hope, Island of Tears” what happened as a result of immigrants having a mild physical illness upon their arrival in America? They were sent back to their home country. They were held at Ellis Island’s hospital complex. Their illness became worse due to lack of treatment.

Which sentence from Island of Hope Island of Tears is written using a cause-and-effect structure?

Answer: B, placed housework wanted ad, cause, Katherine was soon hired as a governess with a wealthy family, effect. Explanation: hope it helps!

Which sentence from Island of Hope Island of Tears is written using a compare and contrast?

Answer: The sentence from “Island of Hope, Island of Tears” is written using a compare-and-contrast text structure is “As with the Kudrna family, war and other uncontrollable events often divided family members between their home country and America.”

What was the immediate cause of the hospitalization of immigrants at Ellis Island?

Explanation: In this passage, we learn that immigrants were held at Ellis Island while they were physically examined. If the doctors found a person had a communicable disease, they were hospitalized in the island. This means that the immediate cause of hospitalization was being diagnosed with a disease.