What is the difference between a co-current and a counter current heat exchanger?

What is the difference between a co-current and a counter current heat exchanger?

In the cocurrent mode, both the hot and cold streams enter the heat exchanger at one end, and leave at the opposite end. In the countercurrent mode, the streams enter at opposite ends of the heat exchanger.

Why is countercurrent more efficient than co-current?

The maximum amount of heat or mass transfer that can be obtained is higher with countercurrent than co-current (parallel) exchange because countercurrent maintains a slowly declining difference or gradient (usually temperature or concentration difference).

What is difference between concurrent and countercurrent?

In concurrent exchange the two fluids move in the same direction as they pass through the pipes. In countercurrent exchange the fluids move in opposite directions.

What is meant by co-current flow?

: involving flow of materials in the same direction acetic acid separated from chloroform by cocurrent extraction with water.

Why is counter current flow better?

One of the great advantages of counter-current flow is the possibility of extracting a higher proportion of the heat content of the heating fluid. It is important to note that the LMTD value for counter-current flow is much larger than for cocurrent flow at the same terminal temperature (see Figure 1.9).

Which is better between counter and co-current flow and why?

In Chemical engineering most of the operations are counter-current in nature because, the mass transfer or heat transfer will be maximum in the counter-current flow. Co-current flow is preferred in rare cases of heat transfer where a quick heat transfer is required.

Is Co-current or counter-current more efficient?

Overall, the counter-current heat exchanger is more efficient compared to the co-current heat exchanger, and is more widely used in the chemical process industry.

Is Co-current or counter current more efficient?

What is the meaning of co currently?

(kən-kûr′ənt, -kŭr′-) adj. 1. Happening, existing, or done at the same time as something else: dealing with concurrent crises.

When to use counter current and co current?

Co-Current and Counter current flow is generally used in heat and mass transfer. In heat transfer, Co-current means both the hot and cold fluid flow in the same direction and for the counter flow vice versa. Counter current is mostly used in industrial applications.

What’s the difference between co current and parallel flow?

Co-Current Air Flow. Co-current air flow, which is also referred to as parallel flow, is when the products of combustion flow in the same direction as the material.

What does co current mean in a kiln?

Co-Current Air Flow. Co-current air flow, which is also referred to as parallel flow, is when the products of combustion flow in the same direction as the material. This immediately puts the coldest material in contact with the hottest gas in the kiln, resulting in a rapid initial temperature change.

Which is the most common form of counter current flow?

The possibilities are counter-current flow, co-current flow and cross-flow, the first two of which are shown in Figure 1.8. There are different forms of so-called cross-flow heat exchangers in which the flows are more or less mutually perpendicular. In BPHEs, counter-current flow is by far the most c​ommon arrangement.