What is the difference between Flanders and Wallonia?

What is the difference between Flanders and Wallonia?

The two areas are Flanders, consisting of the Dutch speaking or Flemish community, and Walloon or Wallonia, the home of the French community. A small community of German-speaking people also resides in Belgium, but they are an autonomous community distinct from the other two within the far eastern region of Wallonia.

What country is Flanders now?

Kingdom of Belgium
Flanders now became part of the Kingdom of Belgium, which was recognized by the major European Powers on 20 January 1831.

Is Flanders in France or Belgium?


Flanders Vlaanderen (Dutch) Flandre (French) Flandern (German)
Country Belgium
County of Flanders 862–1795
Community in Belgium 1970
Region in Belgium 1980

Is Flanders part of the Netherlands?

Flanders remained with the other southern provinces of the Netherlands under Spanish rule in the 17th century and then (from 1714) under Austrian rule until it disappeared as a political entity during the French Revolutionary Wars.

Why did Belgium separate from the Netherlands?

Although his policy was beneficial to the Belgian bourgeoisie, there was protest. The Catholics objected against the interference of the protestant king in clerical matters. Following this rising Belgium separated from the Northern Netherlands. A provisional government declared independence on October 4th, 1830.

Is Brussels in Flanders or Wallonia?


Province Dutch name FIPS
Walloon Brabant Waals-Brabant BE10
Brussels Capital Region Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest BE02

When did France lose Flanders?

The county of Flanders officially ceased to exist in 1795, when it was annexed by France, and divided into two departments: Lys (present day West Flanders) and Escaut (present day East Flanders and Zeelandic Flanders). Austria confirmed its loss in the 1797 Treaty of Campo Formio.

What are people from Belgium called?

Belgians (Dutch: Belgen, French: Belges, German: Belgier) are people identified with the Kingdom of Belgium, a federal state in Western Europe. As Belgium is a multinational state, this connection may be residential, legal, historical, or cultural rather than ethnic.

Is Flanders Catholic or Protestant?

Flanders Holland
Religion: Catholic. Protestant.
Society: Aristocratic, traditional. Merchants, farmers, seafarers; puritanical, wealthy.
Art Center(s) Antwerp. Haarlem, Amsterdam, and Delft.
Master(s): Rubens. Hals, Rembrandt, and Vermeer.

What is the language spoken in Flanders?

Dutch is the most spoken primary language of Belgium and the official language of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region (merged to Flanders). Along with French, it is an official language of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Why did Flanders leave the Netherlands?

What was Belgium called before 1830?


Province Dutch name Area
Flemish Region
Namur Namen 3,675 km2 (1,419 sq mi)
Walloon Brabant Waals-Brabant 1,097 km2 (424 sq mi)
Brussels Capital Region

What’s the difference between Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium?

The two areas are Flanders, consisting of the Dutch speaking or Flemish community, and Walloon or Wallonia, the home of the French community. A small community of German-speaking people also resides in Belgium, but they are an autonomous community distinct from the other two within the far eastern region of Wallonia.

Why was the Walloon Movement important to Flanders?

The Walloon movement arose in the 19th Century, seeking to preserve their French language and culture as a national creed. It opposed recognition of Dutch and regionalization of the country. Today the movement primarily aims to maintain solidarity between the richer Flanders and the poor Walloon.

Who are the Federal forces in Flanders Wallonia?

The Federal Land Forces are comprised of three infantry divisions one cavalry division and a specialized bicycle division, the Chausseurs Ardennais. The Federal Air Forces are basically non-existent, with the German Luftstreitkräfte providing air cover for Flanders-Wallonia.

Which is part of Brabant was attached to Wallonia?

The south of the province of Brabant was attached to Wallonia and Walloon ministries were installed in Namur while Flemish ones remained in Brussels.