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What is the difference between if and provided?

What is the difference between if and provided?

Is there any difference between “provided that” and “if”? There is no real difference between the two. Provided that, as long as, and if all mean “depending on the following stipulation being met.”

How do you use provided?

He’s welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself….Meaning of provided (that) in English

  1. We’ll be there at about 7.30, provided that there’s a suitable train.
  2. Provided that there are enough seats, anyone can come on the trip.
  3. Provided that the boat leaves on time, we should reach France by morning.

What does provided mean in law?

Provided means on the condition that o given. For example, he may get a scholarship, provided he maintain an A average in his classes.

Is provided in a sentence?

Provided Sentence Examples The drive home provided opportunity to think. She had provided all the information he needed through Connie. Provided he poses no danger to us, yes. All it takes is the resolve to stop – provided you actually want to stop.

What is provided for?

1 : to cause (something) to be available or to happen in the future The contract provides for 10 paid holidays. The law provides for the appointment of a new official. 2 : to supply what is needed for (something or someone) It’s hard to make enough money to provide for such a large family.

Is provided or has been provided?

Either could be considered correct. If the present is stated as “Service is provided,” then you would say “Since 2008, it has been provided…” If the present is stated as “Service is being provided,” then “…has been being provided” would be consistent.

What’s the meaning of in case?

in order to be prepared for something that may happen. Take an umbrella in case it rains. just in case: I’ll make some sandwiches, just in case we get hungry later on.

What can I say instead of in case?

other words for in case

  • contingent upon.
  • given.
  • if.
  • if and only if.
  • in the case that.
  • in the event.
  • subject to.
  • supposing.

Is it correct to say in case?

Trick to Remember the Difference Incase is a misspelling of the verb encase. As a result, you should always use encase as a verb. The phrase in case, when used to mean if something happens, should remain two words. Even better yet, you should shorten it to if or when whenever possible.

Is if in case correct?

‘In case’ is a conditional phrase and ‘If’ is a conditional conjunction and they do mean the same thing and hence, either use ‘if’ or ‘in case’ in any sentence. Never use in case and if together in any sentence. In case following if is not correct.

Is it just in case or just in case?

If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.

Is just in case one word?

“Incase” consists of one word when it’s an alternate spelling of the verb encase. “In case” is two words when it’s a conjunction or adverb in phrases like ‘just in case’ or ‘in case of. ‘

What tense is used with in case?

GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tense• Use the simple present tense with in case to talk about a possible future event. Don’t use ‘will’. You say: Write it down in case you forget. ✗Don’t say: in case you will forget• Use the simple past tense with in case when talking about the past.

Do commas go before in case?

Use a comma when placing the conjunction and its clause at the beginning of the sentence….Clause Order – commas.

Carry your mobile phone in the event you need me.
Carry your mobile phone in case you need me.

Can in case and if be used together?

For sentences where it seems that both can apply, “if” and “in case” can therefore refer to completing actions at different times – “in case” actions are done in advance, while “if” actions only occur on a condition. Consider these examples: Call me if you need any help. Call me in case you need any help.

What is the difference between in case and in case of?

These two expressions are very similar, they both basically mean if something happens. The main difference in use is grammatical. In case – to express that we are doing something in preparation for something which might happen. In case of – to say what we should do if or when something happens.

When we use of in a sentence?

We use of when we want to show that people or things relate to other things or people. For example, when we want to say that something or someone belongs to or is a part of something or someone else, we can do it like this: Tiffany stared at the floor of her room.

What are the uses of on?

“On” is used to indicate position, usually indicating that something is on top of something else. We might say, “My journal is on the desk.” In this function, “on” typically denotes proximity or position. Another example would be, “He sat on the stone wall.”

Is it OK to say off of?

“Off of” is well-established as standard in American English. Plain “off” may be stylistically preferable in many cases, but it is simply not a rule of English grammar that if a word could be removed it must be removed. Some people seem to think that such a rule exists.