What is the difference between juxtaposition and antithesis?

What is the difference between juxtaposition and antithesis?

Antithesis parallels opposite concepts, while juxtaposition sets up a comparison and contrast between two concepts that can be either similar or different.

What’s an example of juxtaposition?

Juxtaposition in literary terms is the showing contrast by concepts placed side by side. An example of juxtaposition are the quotes “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”, and “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate”, both by John F.

What type of device is juxtaposition?

Definition: Juxtaposition is a literary device wherein the author places a person, concept, place, idea or theme parallel to another. The purpose of juxtaposing two directly or indirectly related entities close together in literature is to highlight the contrast between the two and compare them.

What is an antithesis literary device?

Antithesis (Greek for “setting opposite”) means “a contrast or opposite.” For example, when something or someone is the opposite of another thing or person. As a rhetorical device, antithesis pairs exact opposite or contrasting ideas in a parallel grammatical structure.

How do you explain antithesis?

Antithesis Definition Antithesis, which literally means “opposite,” is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. Antithesis emphasizes the idea of contrast by parallel structures of the contrasted phrases or clauses.

How do you use antithesis in a sentence?

Antithesis sentence example

  1. Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.
  2. It was the antithesis of everything I hold dear about this country.
  3. His character is the exact antithesis of Dan Dare’s.
  4. It was the complete antithesis to my own watcher life of conformity.

What is the difference between antithesis and oxymoron?

1 Answer. An oxymoron is a phrase that uses two contradictory or opposing terms, while an antithesis is a device that presents two contrasting ideas in a sentence (but not in the same phrase).

Which of these is the best example of dramatic irony?

Answer Expert Verified. The situation that is the best example of dramatic irony is C. A talk-show audience is aware that a man’s first love is hidden backstage as he confesses his wish to see her again. Dramatic irony is a situation in which the audience knows something that the character ignores.

Which is an example of irony answers com?

Choking to death on a vitamin tablet is an example of situational irony. sarcasm is an example of verbal irony.

Which of these sentences is an example of paradox?

Answer: The sentence that is an example of a paradox is the following one: She tried to quiet the silence (D). Explanation: Paradox means “contrary to expectations or existing belief”

Which is an example of irony from The Great Gatsby?

In perhaps one of the great ironies of the novel, Daisy kills Myrtle when Myrtle runs in front of Gatsby’s car. It is a hit and run. The irony is that the wife kills her husband’s mistress without knowing that it’s his mistress.