What is the difference between Protestant and Orthodox?

What is the difference between Protestant and Orthodox?

The difference between Orthodox Christianity and Protestant Christianity is that they follow different divine inspirations. The Orthodox follow the ‘Holy Inspiration of Church’ along with the Bible. Whereas, protestants follow only the Bible.

Is Russian Orthodox Catholic or Protestant?


Christianity in Russia as of (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Russian Orthodoxy 86.7%
Other Orthodox 3.2%
Old Believers 0.6%
Roman Catholic 0.2%

Is Russia a Protestant country?

Protestants in Russia constitute 0.5-1.5% (i.e. 700,000 – 2 million adherents) of the overall population of the country. Many missionaries operating in the country are from Protestant denominations. According to a global survey conducted at the end of 2013, 1% of surveyed Russians identify as Protestants.

What do the Russian Orthodox believe?

Orthodox beliefs are based on the Bible and on tradition as defined by seven ecumenical councils held by church authorities between A.D. 325 and 787. Orthodox teachings include the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the inseparable but distinguishable union of the two natures of Jesus Christ–one divine, the other human.

Who is the God of orthodox?

Eastern Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “one in essence and undivided”.

What is the difference between Catholic and Protestant and Orthodox?

The Catholic Church believes the pope to be infallible in matters of doctrine. Orthodox believers reject the infallibility of the pope and consider their own patriarchs, too, as human and thus subject to error. In this way, they are similar to Protestants, who also reject any notion of papal primacy.

Is Russian Orthodox Catholic?

The Eastern Orthodox Church, also called the Orthodox Church, is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 220 million baptised members. The Eastern Orthodox Church officially calls itself the Orthodox Catholic Church.

What is the main difference between Catholic and Orthodox?

The Catholic Church believes the pope to be infallible in matters of doctrine. Orthodox believers reject the infallibility of the pope and consider their own patriarchs, too, as human and thus subject to error.

Which came first Orthodox or Catholic?

Therefore the Catholic Church is the oldest of all. The Orthodox represents the original Christian Church because they trace their bishops back to the five early patriarchates of Rome, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople and Antioch.

Is the Russian Orthodox Church Catholic or Protestant?

The Russian Orthodox are neither Catholic nor Protestant. They are part of the Eastern Orthodox church. This is a third form of Christianity. The Orthodox retain what Jesus taught and what the Church Fathers kept. It remains constant and often looks like an ancient form of Christianity.

When did the Russian Orthodox Church split from Western Christianity?

Culture, geography and ideology have all played roles in separating Russian Orthodox from Western Christianity. By the time the Russian Orthodox Church was officially recognized in 988, the split between Eastern and Western Christianity was almost complete.

Is the Russian Orthodox Church considered schismatic outside Russia?

Similar status, since 2007, is enjoyed by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (previously fully independent and deemed schismatic by the ROC). The Chinese Orthodox Church and the Japanese Orthodox Churches were granted full autonomy by the Moscow Patriarchate, but this autonomy is not universally recognized.

How many levels of government does Russian Orthodox Church have?

The Russian Orthodox Church has four levels of self-government. Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), a special status autonomy close to autocephaly Self-governed churches (Estonia, Latvia, Moldova) Belarusian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Districts of Kazakhstan Japanese Orthodox Church Chinese Orthodox Church