What is the difference between the ant and the grasshopper in the tale?

What is the difference between the ant and the grasshopper in the tale?

The Ant in the story is a classic example of the importance of taking preparation seriously. Some versions of the story say that the Ant was ‘toiling,’ which means he was working really hard at his task. The Grasshopper, on the other hand, is merely chirping, singing, and lazing about.

What is the summary of the ant and the grasshopper?

The story “The Ant and Grasshopper” is of the ancient Aesop fable which gives the moral lesson that “We have to be hard-working at the time of work, to spend the life in the old age.” In the story, the ant collects the food in the summer thinking the winter must be spent comfortably whereas the grasshopper, at the time …

What is the moral lesson of the story the ant and grasshopper?

The moral of the story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” is that it is important to be prepared and work hard in case hard times occur. The story was written by Aesop. The story of “The Ant and the Grasshopper” is about an ant that that was busy moving ears of corn around while the grasshopper was lazing around.

What is the conflict of the story the ant and the grasshopper?

The conflict:The conflict is between the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper wants company in its play, while the ant has a conflicting desire: to continue working. What the conflict represents:The grasshopper represents those who not prepare for the future. The ants represent those who do prepare.

What is the place and time of the story the ant and the grasshopper?

Setting: This story takes place on forest floor. Narrator: On a beautiful summer day a grasshopper sat and sang a sweet song. The grasshopper saw an ant working hard carrying grain to his house.

What did the ant reply to the grasshopper?

What did the Ant reply to the Grasshopper? “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” replied Ant.

Why did the ant not help the grasshopper?

Answer. The grasshopper spent his days by only singing and playing. No, the grasshopper did not find food in winter. The ant shook in anger and scolded the grasshopper for being lazy all the summer and not not doing any work.

What are 5 important values of student life?

The ten most important moral values for students and everyone in general to lead a great life are:

  • Honesty:
  • Respect:
  • Family:
  • Education and Hard Work:
  • Adjustment & Compromise:
  • Compassionate Nature:
  • Have a look at Presentation on Why Personality Development for Students:
  • Justice:

What is the moral value of a student?

Moral Value refers to the good virtues such as honesty, integrity, truthfulness, helpfulness, love, respectfulness, hard-work, etc. Students are the future of India. The future of our country depends upon the moral values convey to them during their student life.

What are some good values to have?

Here are some examples of core values from which you may wish to choose:

  • Dependability.
  • Reliability.
  • Loyalty.
  • Commitment.
  • Open-mindedness.
  • Consistency.
  • Honesty.
  • Efficiency.

What are expected of me as a student?

The student expectations are: Participate and engage in all courses in which you are enrolled. Take responsibility for your learning and accessing additional help. Consult the Program Convenor or Course Coordinator early if you’re having difficulties with a course, assessment, etc.

What values do students have?

Kuehn recommends seven moral values for students:

  • Unconditional love and kindness.
  • Honesty.
  • Hard work.
  • Respect for others.
  • Cooperation.
  • Compassion.
  • Forgiveness.

Why are values important for students?

Value-based education is essential to develop an individual and help him/her lifelong in many ways: It gives a positive direction to the students to shape their future and even helps them to know the purpose of their life. Value education also helps the students to become more and more responsible and sensible.

What is the aim of value education?

Value Education means teaching and learning of ideals. The aim is for students to understand moral values and show their good behavior and attitude towards society.