What is the largest part of the vertebrae?

What is the largest part of the vertebrae?

Each vertebra consists of the following parts: The body is the largest part of the vertebrae and the part that bears the most weight. The lamina is the lining of the hole (spinal canal) through which the spinal cord runs. The spinous process is the bony protrusions you feel when you run your hand down your back.

Which vertebrae is the most massive and least mobile?


  • Cervical: There are seven cervical vertebra and they are the smallest and most mobile in the body.
  • Thoracic: The 12 vertebrae in the thoracic spine are larger and less mobile.
  • Lumbar: The five lumbar spine vertebrae are the largest in the body.

Which part of the spine has the least mobility?

The lumbar spine has the least amount of movement when compared to the thoracic and cervical sections of the spine. The sacrum is a single bone that forms part of the pelvis.

Which part of the spine has the most mobility?

Cervical (Upper) Spine This segment of the spinal column is made up of the first 7 vertebrae in the spine. It starts just below the skull at the top of the neck and ends just above the mid-back area. It is the most mobile section of the spine.

Can a back injury affect your bowels?

A spinal cord injury can lead to bowel problems: You may have problems moving waste through your colon (or large intestine). You may pass a stool when you don’t want to, or a stool may be hard to pass. These problems can cause pain in your abdomen.

Can a herniated disc affect your bowel movements?

In the most severe cases, a herniated disk can compress nerves that control the bowel and bladder, causing urinary incontinence and loss of bowel control.

Can a bulging disc affect your bowels?

Herniated Disc When a disc herniation is severe, compressing nerves that control bowel and bladder function, you can suffer urinary and/or fecal incontinence.

Can nerve damage cause bowel problems?

Key points. Neurogenic bowel is the loss of normal bowel function due to a nerve problem. The muscles and nerves around your rectum and anus need to work together for your bowels to work properly. Damage to these nerves can cause lack of bowel control, leading to constipation and bowel accidents.

What nerves affect the bowels?

The vagus nerve is parasympathetic and innervates the upper segments of the GI tract up to the splenic flexure. The pelvic splanchnic nerves carry parasympathetic fibers from the S2-4 spinal cord levels to the descending colon and rectum.

What test shows nerve damage?

What is a nerve conduction velocity test? A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test — also called a nerve conduction study (NCS) — measures how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage.

How do you treat nerve damage in the back?

Home-based remedies

  1. Rest. You may find that certain seated positions or activities that cause you to twist or lift make your pinched nerve worse.
  2. Ice and heat. Applying ice or heat for 20 minutes a few times a day may reduce pain and muscle spasms.
  3. Frequent movement.
  4. Sleeping position modifications.