What is the line in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

What is the line in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

“I fear thee, ancient Mariner! I fear thy skinny hand! And thou art long, and lank, and brown, As is the ribbed sea-sand. I fear thee and thy glittering eye, And thy skinny hand so brown.”— Fear not, fear not, thou Wedding-Guest!

What is the poem water water everywhere?

Save This Word! Lines from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The speaker, a sailor on a becalmed ship, is surrounded by salt water that he cannot drink.

Why does the narrator explain water water everywhere?

Answer. Here the repetition device is used to signify that the ship is surrounded by water on all the sides but there is no single drop of water which they can drink, this is because all the sea water is salty and a person can’t drink salt water to quench his thirst.

How many lines are there in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

Form. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is written in loose, short ballad stanzas usually either four or six lines long but, occasionally, as many as nine lines long.

What is the moral of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

The moral of his ballad is to appreciate all forms of life. To develop this theme, Coleridge utilizes imagery and symbolism to create an implicit partnership between Life-in-Death and the Moon.

What does the albatross symbolize?

The living albatross is a symbol of God’s creation and of innocence. The dead albatross is a symbol of sin. When the Mariner kills the albatross, the other sailors see this as a sign of bad luck and fear, rightfully, that their dangerous voyage will be cursed and run into trouble.

What is the message of the epigraph in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

Starting in the epigraph to “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, Coleridge expresses a fascination with the liminal state between the spiritual and natural, or the mundane and the divine. Recall that this is what Burnet calls the “certain [and] uncertain” and “day [and] night.”.

What Is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner about short summary?

An Ancient Mariner, unnaturally old and skinny, with deeply-tanned skin and a “glittering eye”, stops a Wedding Guest who is on his way to a wedding reception with two companions. He tries to resist the Ancient Mariner, who compels him to sit and listen to his woeful tale..

Why does the Mariner shoot the albatross?

The Mariner kills the albatross because he associated the lack of wind with it. At first all the men thought the bird was good luck since a good wind blew and they moved swiftly. Then, the wind died and they blamed the bird. THe sailors cheered when the Mariner killed the bird which is symbolic of animal abuse.

What does The Rime of the Ancient Mariner mean?

On the most basic level, the poem is a “rhyme” – that is, it has rhyming verses – told by an old sailor, or mariner. In addition to “rhyme,” the word “rime” means frost, and specifically the frost that forms in fog and wind when the temperature cools down. “Rime” often forms on the windy side of sails and ships.

Does the Ancient Mariner die?

Everyone on the Mariner’s ship dies. The sailors don’t actually come back to life. Instead, angels fill their bodies, and another supernatural spirit under the ocean seems to push the boat. The Mariner faints and hears two voices talking about how he killed the albatross and still has more penance to do.

Who is the Ancient Mariner talking to at the beginning of the poem?

The Ancient Mariner is talking to a Wedding Guest, who is on his way to a wedding reception with two companions.

Why does the Mariner tell his story to a wedding guest?

Actually, the Ancient Mariner is driven to tell his story to almost anyone who will listen. He chose the wedding guest because, for whatever reason of his own, the wedding guest couldn’t help but listen: It is an ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth one of three.

When the wedding guest again speaks out of fear What does the Mariner tell him?

The wedding guest is also afraid when the Mariner tells him that all of the dead bodies of the crew rose again and helped him to bring the ship home. The wedding guest again fears that the Mariner is speaking of ghosts (and might still be a ghost, even though the Mariner assured the guest that he was not).

What is the lesson of the tale that the Mariner preaches?

From his experiences, the Mariner in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” learns the lesson of loving and respecting God and all of his creations.

Why did the wedding guest leave sadder and wiser?

But after the Ancient Mariner finishes recalling his experience to the wedding guest, the wedding guest leaves a sadder and wiser man. The wedding guest reacted in this way, because he realized the sacredness of all life, the consequence of the Mariner’s actions, and the presence of God in this matter.

Does the wedding guest make it to the wedding in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

The Wedding Guest is a man on his way to a wedding celebration – he seems to be a relative of the groom, a young man, perhaps in his twenties, who enjoys a good party – when he is chosen by the Mariner to hear his tale. But either way, the Wedding Guest cannot help but listen to the story.

What does the phrase day after day day after day suggest?

For best results enter two or more search terms….The Rime..

Question Answer
What does the phrase, “Day after day, day after day” suggest Repetitiveness of being becalmed
What do the boards of the Ship do shrink
Slimy things are seen crawling with legs upon the slimy what sea
What are seen dancing at night Death fires

How do the other sailors feel about the Mariner’s killing of the albatross?

After the mariner shoots the albatross, the crew is upset with him because they believe that the bird caused the breeze to blow. The crew is then stuck in the doldrums, and their ship does not move. Though the men all die, the mariner lives on in agony.

What happens to the mariner when he tells the hermit his story?

What happens to the Mariner whenever he tells his tale? a. His soul is thrown into agony.

What aspect of the Mariner seems to cast a spell?

The Mariner looks like an old sea dog. Heis wrinkled face and his “glittering eye” seems to cast a spell over the guests.

What does star dogged moon mean?

a star-dogged moon. That’s when only the moon and one, lone star are visible in the sky. Often the star is close to the tip of a crescent moon. Tonight, though, the star was farther away and it seemed extra bright.

What is the significance of the wedding as the setting for the tale telling?

What is the significance of the wedding as the setting for the tale-telling? The reason for this was because a wedding is a very religious and very happy occasion. Weddings symbolize new beginnings and happiness.

How does nature reflect the change in the Mariner?

Cast into the world, the Mariner must contend with nature in the form of violent storms and the dangerous sea, and he must survive the perils of the natural world. In this light, the Mariner’s killing of the albatross can be seen as an attempt to master nature, to assert the power of man over the power of nature.

What is the role of nature in Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

Nature in both poems is seen as magical and lyrical. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge is constantly using nature. He shows how powerful nature can be and how nature can affect someone’s life. Coleridge uses the power of nature to show the Mariner that events do not just happen as a coincidence.

What are symbols in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the sun and the moon represent two sides of the Christian God: the sun represents the angry, wrathful God, whereas the moon represents the benevolent, repentant God.

What themes in Rime of the Ancient Mariner are consistent with the romantic era?

The elements of Romanticism found in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” include strong images of the supernatural and nature, as well as a deep thread of spirituality, all explored in an experimental form.

What creature swim in the sea beyond the shadow of the ship in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

“Beyond the shadow of the ship, / I watched the water-snakes” Illustration by Gustave Doré. Everyone on the ship dies except for the Mariner. Surrounded by dead men and the rotting sea with slimy creatures, he tries to pray but is unable to do so. For seven days he suffers, seeing the curse in the dead men’s eyes.

What was around the Mariner’s neck to punish him?


What was the Mariners punishment?

The mariner admits to have committed a “hellish” thing. He was accused to have slew the bird which made the breeze to blow. Thus, he was punished by his co-mariners to hang an albatross around his neck. Thus, bearing this guilt in mind, he stops every stranger he meets to narrate his story.

Everyone on the Mariner’s ship dies. The wedding guest realizes, “Ah!

What animal did the Ancient Mariner kill?


What is the Curse of the Ancient Mariner?

In Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the mariner is cursed because he has killed the albatross, showing a criminal disregard for a creature of nature. Everyone on the ship is cursed (the mariner because he killed the bird—and the crew that eventually condoned his action).

Why does the wedding guest stop to hear the mariner’s tale?

Answer : 1. In the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the ancient mariner wanted to confess his sin to someone. He stopped the wedding guest to listen to his tale as the guest was transfixed by his hypnotic gaze and was, thus, left with no option but to listen to his tale.

Which spirit had plagued the Mariners where did it come from?

a. The mariners were stuck in the middle of the sea as no wind was blowing and they were not able to set their sails. b. The spirit referred here is the spirit of dead albatros which was heratlesaly killed by ancient mariner.

What are some things that happened after the albatross was killed?

After the Mariner shoots and kills the albatross, the rest of the crew hang the albatross around the Mariner’s neck to symbolize and punish the sailor for his crime, which they believe is responsible for their declining fortunes on the windless sea.

What was the Sailors second reaction after the Ancient Mariner killed the albatross?


Term What is alliteration? Definition the repetition of first consonant sounds in lines of poetry
Term What was the sailors’ second reaction after the Ancient Mariner killed the Albatross? Definition they praised him for making the mist disappear

Who did the Mariner offend by killing the albatross?

The Ancient Mariner hears the First Voice after he is knocked unconscious when the ship jolts forward. He explains that the Ancient Mariner offended a spirit by killing the Albatross, because the spirit loved the bird.

How does the wedding guest react to the Mariner?

After hearing the entire tale, the mariner leaves the wedding guest. The wedding guest is so disturbed by the story that he no longer wants to go into the wedding. He leaves as if he is senseless. This could mean that he is numb, or it could mean that his thinking ability has left him.