What is the local name of pea?

What is the local name of pea?

Pisum sativum L. garden pea

Subclass Rosidae
Order Fabales
Family Fabaceae / Leguminosae – Pea family
Genus Pisum L. – peaP

What is the classification of peas?

The pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit Pisum sativum. Each pod contains several peas, which can be green or yellow….

Pea plant: Pisum sativum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes

Why are peas Green?

It is rare for seeds to be green inside. This is because light is usually necessary for part of the synthesis of chlorophyll, which is what gives peas their green colour.

What is the color of peas?

Pea seeds naturally appear in a variety of colours from shades of yellow to dark purples, but it is the vibrant green pea that has been exploited widely for food. However pea seeds can lose their green colour at or after seed maturity.

Why are peas not yellow?

There is a gene that determines the color of the peas the plant will produce. Genes can come in different versions. The pea “color” gene comes in a yellow version (Y) and a green version (y). Just like us, pea plants have two copies of most of their genes.

What Colour are peas originally?

The pea is only green when eaten because it is picked when still immature. A ripe pea is more yellow in colour. Eating peas when they are green became fashionable in the 1600s and 1700s but was described by the French as “madness”.

Why are they called peas?

In AngloSaxon the word became pise or pisu; later, in English it was “pease.” So many people thought pease was plural that they persisted in dropping the “s” sound, thus making the word “pea.” The Latin name resembles the older Greek pisos, or pison.

What is the origin of pea?

While the origins of domesticated peas have not been definitely determined, the pea is one of the oldest cultivated crops. The wild plant is native to the Mediterranean region, and ancient remains dating to the late Neolithic Period have been found in the Middle East.

Which pea Colour is dominant?


Trait Dominant Expression Recessive Expression
Color of seed albumen (Y) Yellow Green
Color of flower (P) Purple White
Form of ripe pods (I) Inflated Constricted
Color of unripe pods (G) Green Yellow

Which of the following trait of pea plant can express itself only in H * * * * * * * * * State?

A recessive trait is capable of expressing itself when it is present in the homozygous condition. Consider pea plants having a pair of contrasting characters namely, tallness and dwarfness with respect to the height of the stem.

Is it possible for a 2 green pea plant to have a yellow offspring?

These offspring are said to be heterozygous, meaning that they have two different alleles for pea color. Despite the fact that both alleles are present in the offspring, the traits did not blend together to result in yellowish-green peas.

Which one is a dominant trait of pea plant?

Green pod color is dominant and yellow is recessive. The shape of the pod has two traits – inflated and constricted. Inflated pod traits are dominant.

What are the 3 principles of Mendelian genetics?

Mendel’s studies yielded three “laws” of inheritance: the law of dominance, the law of segregation, and the law of independent assortment. Each of these can be understood through examining the process of meiosis.

What is the P generation?

The parental generation refers to the first set of parents crossed. The parents’ genotype would be used as the basis for predicting the genotype of their offspring, which in turn, may be crossed (filial generation). These two plants comprise the parental generation (P generation).

Is FF heterozygous or homozygous?

Mendelian Genetics

Genotype Phenotype
F F Homozygous dominant No cystic fibrosis (Normal)
F f Heterozygous Carrier (has no symptoms but carries the recessive allele)
f f Homozygous recessive Cystic fibrosis (has symptoms)

Which one is a test cross?

A cross between two organisms, one of which has an unknown genotype and the other with a homozygous recessive trait is called a test cross. This cross was first performed by Gregor Mendel and is used to detect the unknown genotype of a particular organism.

Is TT TT is test cross?

Testcross is a cross of any genotype showing dominant phenotype with a recessive homozygote to determine the genotype of a dominant parent if it is a heterozygous- or homozygous-dominant. Being a hybrid Tt shows dominant phenotype and tt is the recessive parent; it is a test cross.

What is test cross with example?

Test cross is a cross between an organism with unknown genotype and a recessive parent. It is used to determine whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous for a trait. Example: Suppose you have a violet and white flower and violet color (P) is dominant to white (p).

What is meant by test cross?

: a genetic cross between a homozygous recessive individual and a corresponding suspected heterozygote to determine the genotype of the latter.

What is Codominance give an example?

Codominance means that neither allele can mask the expression of the other allele. An example in humans would be the ABO blood group, where alleles A and alleles B are both expressed. So if an individual inherits allele A from their mother and allele B from their father, they have blood type AB.

What is the ratio of test cross?

This 1:1:1:1 phenotypic ratio is the classic Mendelian ratio for a test cross in which the alleles of the two genes assort independently into gametes (BbEe × bbee).

What is back Cross Class 12?

Backcrossing is a crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent, in order to achieve offspring with a genetic identity which is closer to that of the parent. It is used in horticulture, animal breeding and in production of gene knockout organism.

What is back cross and example?

Backcrossing is a crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent, to achieve offspring with a genetic identity closer to that of the parent. It is used in horticulture, animal breeding, and production of gene knockout organisms.

What is the purpose of back cross?

Backcross, the mating of a hybrid organism (offspring of genetically unlike parents) with one of its parents or with an organism genetically similar to the parent. The backcross is useful in genetics studies for isolating (separating out) certain characteristics in a related group of animals or plants.

What is Back cross & test cross?

Back cross. Breeding of the dominant phenotype with the homozygous recessive phenotype (parent) is known as a test cross. The breeding of F1 generation with one of its parent plants is known as a back cross. All test crosses are backcrosses. A backcross can be said as a test cross if the parent is recessive.