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What is the main conflict in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

What is the main conflict in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

Conflict and Resolution – Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. The main conflict in this book is when TJ goes off with RW and Melvin Simmses. They are two white boys much older than him. They promise him a pearl handled gun, so they go to the store in Vicksburg.

What happened to TJ at the end of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

T.J. Avery, Stacey’s friend, is accused of murdering a white man, Jim Lee Barnett. Although he is innocent, he is tried by an all-white jury and convicted. Stacey does everything in his power to help his friend, but in the end, T.J. is sentenced to death.

Who is Mr Berry in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

John Henry Berry was set afire by drunken white men, and died of his injuries. John Henry Berry was the owner of an old Model-T pickup, and had stopped for gas at a filling station in Strawberry. Some drunken white men came up and accused John Henry of flirting with Sallie Ann, a white woman.

Why did Mr Avery visit the Logan family?

Avery comes by after dinner to tell the Logan family that “they’s ridin’ t’night,” meaning that white men are riding around trying to harass African-American people to prevent them from defending themselves.

Who burned the Berrys?

Him and his two nephews, And you know who done . . .” In Taylor’s novel, the Berry family is burned out of their home by virulently and violently racist whites.

What happened to Mr Berry and his two nephews in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

Berry’s nephews has died. The children finally hear the story of the burning when neighbors come to visit. Mr. Berry’s two nephews had stopped to get gas when drunken white men appeared, accusing one of the Berry men of flirting with a white woman.

Who is Mr Jamison and why does Harlan Granger hold a grudge against him?

Who is Mr. Jamison, and why does Harlan Granger hold a grudge against him? because he wants to buy those two hundred acres.