What is the main idea of Chapter 1 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is the main idea of Chapter 1 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Much like a mystery novel, the first chapter gives readers the idea that things may not be what they seem on the surface, as when Scout’s father, Atticus, says “there were other ways of making people into ghosts.” Scout gives readers their first insights into Atticus Finch in this chapter, as well.

What do you learn about Maycomb in Chapter 1?

In Chapter one we learn that Maycomb is a mall Southern town in Alabama. There are few secrets in this old small town, “Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it”. The town is segregated by both colour and, to an extent, socio-economic class.

Should you read To Kill a Mockingbird first?

1 Answer. Definitely read To Kill a Mockingbird first. Although Go Set a Watchman reads more as a first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird, without reading Mockingbird, much of the bigotry Atticus displays in Watchman will not be unusual.

Who does scout finally meet?

Boo Radley

Did Boo Radley stabbed Mr Ewell?

When Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout on their way home from the Maycomb Halloween festival, Boo Radley intervenes and ends up saving the children by fighting Bob Ewell. During the fight, Boo Radley apparently stabs Bob Ewell in the ribs with a kitchen knife, and Bob dies underneath the oak tree.

Why did Bob Ewell kill himself?

Atticus is adamantly against lying to protect Jem. He thinks that protecting Jem from the law will undermine Atticus’s relationship with his children and everything that he has taught them. Heck, however, realizes that Boo killed Bob Ewell, and wants to cover up the truth to protect Boo.

What happens to Boo Radley?

For a while after this incident Boo is imprisoned in the basement of the courthouse, but is later moved back home. When Mr Radley dies, people in Maycomb think Boo might be allowed outside but his brother Nathan Radley returns home and Boo’s imprisonment continues.

Who is Nathan Radley?

Nathan Radley is the brother of the mysterious Boo Radley in Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. After Boo’s father dies, Nathan takes over as head of the household and, presumably, as the protector of Boo. Very little is known about “Mr. Nathan,” and he is only mentioned a few times in the story.

How does Boo Radley show courage in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley shows courage when he prevents Bob Ewell from harming Jem and Scout despite the fact that this means leaving the security of his house. He is preparing Scout and Jem for the bravery they will all have to show during Tom Robinson’s trial.

What does the Mad Dog symbolize?

Lee’s intended symbolism is obvious: the mad dog represents institutional racism that has unfairly accused a handicapped black man of raping a white woman. After killing the dog, Finch warns his young son, Jem: “Don’t you go near that dog, you understand? Don’t go near him, he’s just as dangerous dead as alive.”