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What is the meaning of happening at the same time?

What is the meaning of happening at the same time?

occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous. going on at the same rate and exactly together; recurring together. of, relating to, or operating using fixed-time intervals controlled by a clock (opposed to asynchronous).

What is the meaning of happening?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : something that happens : occurrence. 2 : an event or series of events designed to evoke a spontaneous reaction to sensory, emotional, or spiritual stimuli. 3 : something (such as an event) that is particularly interesting, entertaining, or important.

What is the meaning of happening place?

(slang, of a place) Busy, lively; vibrant, dynamic; fashionable. This is a happening place tonight! (slang, of a person or product) Trendy, up-to-the-minute.

What does the phrase from time to time mean?

From time to time means: Occasionally. Once in a while; occasionally. Once in a while; at intervals. If you do something from time to time, you do it occasionally, but not very often.

What is another word for time to time?

What is another word for from time to time?

now and again occasionally
sporadically at intervals
at times erratically
every now and again every once in a while
intermittently irregularly

How do you say time to time?

Synonyms for from time to time in English every now and then; from time to time. occasionally; once in a while; at times; now and then; on occasion; from time to time; now and again.

How do you ask for time in English?

The most common and also the easiest way to ask about time is: ‘What time is it? ‘ However, it needs to be a little bit more polite when you ask a person, maybe a stranger.

What does every so often mean?

phrase. If something happens every so often, it happens regularly, but with fairly long intervals between each occasion. She’s going to come back every so often.

What happens every so often?

If something happens every so often, it happens regularly, but with fairly long intervals between each occasion. She’s going to come back every so often. Every so often he would turn and look at her.

Which is correct every so often or every so often?

For the longest time, I even had trouble determining whether it was correct to say “ever so often” or “every so often.” They both sound right when you say them and, as it turns out, they are both correct.

How often is every once in a while?

: sometimes but not often : from time to time : occasionally We still see each other every once in a while.

What does every now and again mean?

phrase. If you say that something happens now and then or every now and again, you mean that it happens sometimes but not very often or regularly.

What does ever so mean?

informal. : very Thank you ever so much.

What can I use instead of important?

What is another word for important?

crucial essential
key necessary
significant pressing
requisite indispensable
compelling needed

Is it proper to say thank you kindly?

A very polite and friendly expression of gratitude to someone (for something). A: “Here are the documents you asked for, Mr. Lubbock.” B: “Thank you kindly, Sarah.” A: “That’s a really nice dress, Mrs.

How do you say thank you for everything?

Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Thanks.
  2. Many thanks.
  3. Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks a bunch.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. It’s very kind of you.
  7. I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you for everything.

Do vets like thank you for your service?

49% of veterans don’t like to be thanked for their service, poll shows. The Cohen Veterans Network created a poll for veterans to determine if they like to be thanked. Turns out, 49% of them don’t.

What do you write to a soldier?

How to Write Your First Letter

  • Keep things light.
  • Share things about yourself like hobbies or interests.
  • Write about your life but keep it positive.
  • Thank them for their service.
  • If you have connections in the military, mention that.
  • Be positive.
  • Stay away from political or polarizing topics.