What is the meaning of most likely?

What is the meaning of most likely?

: more likely than not : probably It will most likely rain tomorrow.

How do you use the word likely?

Likely sentence example

  1. It was likely a deer trail.
  2. “It’s not the only answer, but it’s the most likely ,” Sofi replied.
  3. More than likely she was taking them out for a morning treat.
  4. Which would be most likely to cut his fingers?…
  5. Wherever they went, they were likely to be interrupted.

How do you use most likely in a sentence?

How To Use Most Likely In A Sentence?

  1. It is the court tailor most likely, pardon me.
  2. I’m most likely bein’ watched.
  3. Most likely it never would have been mine, in any case.
  4. The advance-guard of a cheap trip, most likely.
  5. Most likely the names, both of them, are only hand-downs.

What kind of word is likely?

Likely is sometimes described as an adjective that looks like an adverb but it actually is an adverb too. As an adjective, it has the meaning of ‘probably going to happen’ or ‘probably true’, as in ‘The most likely cause of the fire was a discarded cigarette end’.

Is it more likely or most likely?

In this case “more likely” relates to greater while “most likely” relates to greatest. Because “more” is used when comparing two people, you would say: Janus is more likely to commit crime than Mike because Janus has a history of mania.

What is the antonym of likely?

What is the opposite of likely?

unlikely improbable
gloomy hopeless
implausible impossible
inauspicious incredible
pessimistic questionable

Is highly likely correct?

Is ‘highly likely’ grammatically correct? Yes, since an adverb can modify a verb, adjective or another adverb. This is an adverb modifying an adjective (even though it looks like an adverb). “Highly” is an adverb modifying “likely.”

What is another word for have been?

What is another word for have been?

was were
became looked
seemed appeared
came to be had been
turned out to be has been

Has or had had?

‘I had had my breakfast. ‘ – past perfect tense as in ‘I had eaten my breakfast. ‘ Here, the fist part of the verb phrases have/has and had are auxiliary and the second part had is the past participle form of the main verb have.

Had been done meaning?

It is Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. Another example could be “The work has been done”. It simply means that a task was given to someone in the past and the task is now complete and was finished in the recent past though the time at which it was completed is unknown.

Is received has been received?

2: The letter has been received. Using ‘is’ – the emphasis is on the fact that you now have the letter, Using ‘has been’ – the emphasis is on the fact that you had the letter earlier. has been received mean having letter earlier but don’t have it now…

Have you received or had you received?

Even though it doesn’t specify, “did you receive my email” sets up an opportunity to establish a particular time. If you choose “have you received my email” it indicates that you just want to establish receipt but not as per any specific time .

Has followed or had followed?

“I followed/ had followed them before writing my test.” I guess that both are grammatical and prefer the simple past: I had followed them before I sat for the test. I followed them before I sat for the test.

Is followed up correct?

A few dictionaries, such as the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, list followup, written as one word, as an alternative to follow-up with a hyphen. If you are using it as a noun or adjective, put a hyphen between the two words: follow-up.

Had followed Meaning?

Had been and had followed are past perfect (also called pluperfect) forms of be and follow, not forms of have. Similarly, be is the auxiliary used with past participles to form passives: was followed is past passive, had been followed is past perfect passive. –

Are being followed Meaning?

These verbs mean to come after something or someone. Follow, the most general, refers to people or things that come after another in time or order or as a consequence or result: You go first, and we’ll follow. Ensue and result are used only of events or conditions that follow another in time.

Is followed by meaning?

You use followed by to say what comes after something else in a list or ordered set of things.

What is another word for followed by?

What is another word for followed by?

then next
subsequently afterward
following that following this
later before long
ensuingly finally

What do you call a person that follows you around?

A follower is a person who believes in a particular cause, faith, or specific person. When you play tag and the person who’s “it” runs behind you as you dodge around trees, that person is a follower. The Old English root is folgere, “servant or disciple,” from folgian, “follow, accompany, or pursue.”