What is the meaning of the French word Soeur?

What is the meaning of the French word Soeur?

soeur Noun. soeur, la ~ (f) sister, the ~ Noun. ‐ a female person who has the same parents as another person.

What does the French word Appetit mean?

[apeti ] masculine noun. appetite. couper l’appétit à qn to take away sb’s appetite. bon appétit !

What is sister in British?

Because nuns often served as nurses, in British English, sister is still synonymous with nurse. Sis is an informal abbreviation, often used in direct address by a sibling, as is sissy, though this term acquired the pejorative connotation of an effeminate man.

Who is called Sister?

Your sister is your female sibling.

What is bruv slang for?

You may have heard the word and wondered what it means or where it comes from. ‘Bruv’ – it’s a shortened version of brother. The word is widely used to address another male –usually someone that the speaker shares a common bond with, friends or people they know, often people of a similar age to themselves.

Did they call periods courses?

A woman’s monthly bleeding, otherwise known as “courses”, was believed to be the womb ridding itself of excess blood. During the Tudor period, women were considered to be imperfect reflections of men and inferior to men.

Why do the British call a period a full stop?

The period is a literary life-saver. A distinction was made during the 18th and 19th centuries between the period—the dot itself, also used to end abbreviations and initials—and the full stop, which is only ever used to end sentences. British and American English were of one mind on this, even into the 20th century.

What does period mean in slang?

Period in the context that you are referring to is used as an idiom of sorts. It means there is no counter argument. For example, “Chuck Norris will kick anybody’s butt, period.” “Abstinence from sex is the best STD prevention, period.” There is usually a pause after the sentence and before the word “period”.

Can you use a full stop after one word?

No, full stops/periods mark the end of a sentence and represent a pause. In a one word answer they are meaningless dots so their presence doesn’t matter. If you have a die-hard habit of making periods after one-words, it’s fine.

What can you use to join two main clauses together in one sentence?

To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon or a comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas).

Do you put a period after Yes?

Yes or no is normally written with a comma after it, as part of a sentence (as in your example 1). But that’s not essential. If you really wanted to emphasis the positive or negative aspect, you might instead choose to make it stand on its own.

Where are full stops used?

A full stop is mostly used at the end of a declarative sentence, or a statement that is considered to be complete. This punctuation mark is also used following an abbreviation. A full stop can also be shown at the end of a group of words that don’t form a typical sentence.

Why do we need full stops?

A full stop should always be used to end a sentence. The full stop indicates that a point has been made and that you are about to move on to further explanations or a related point.

Should you use full stops in texts?

Prof Crystal said “people simply do not put full stops in, unless they want to make a point.” Period., economics writer Jeff Guo concluded that the line break is now the default method of punctuation in texting. Full stops, he said, can cause the message to be perceived as “cold, angry or passive-aggressive.”

Should name initials have full stops?

A person’s initials are a kind of abbreviation, and these are usually followed by full stops: John D. Rockefeller, C. Aubrey Smith, O. J. Simpson. Increasingly, however, there is a tendency to write such initials without full stops: John D Rockefeller, C Aubrey Smith, O J Simpson.