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What is the mnemonic for remembering the order of the planets?

What is the mnemonic for remembering the order of the planets?

An English-language mnemonic which was current in the 1950s was “Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Needs, Perhaps” (for Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto).

What is a phrase formed from the first letters of words in a set phrase or series of words?


What is it called when the letters in a word stand for something?

An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. The newly combined letters create a new word that becomes a part of everyday language.

How do you come up with a good acronym?

Acronyms: 3 Simple Rules for Making them Meaningful

  1. The best acronyms spell out a word that is related to their cause, function or meaning, or one that elicits positive feelings or associations.
  2. Even when the letters don’t spell out a word with meaning related to the subject, it helps if what is spelled out feels like a word:

Is NBA an acronymic sentence?

Terms in this set (10) An acronymic sentence does not need to be a realistic statement. Using NBA instead of National Basketball Association is an example of an acronymic sentence.

How do you write an acronymic sentence?

Here is how to create an acronymic sentence. Underline the first letter of each piece of information. If there is more than one word in a piece of information, underline the first letter of the most important word. Write a sentence using words that begin with the underlined letters.

What does the acronym IM stand for?

Acronym Definition
IM Information Management
IM Image (mathematics)
IM International Master (chess)
IM Instant Messaging

What is the difference between an acronym and an initialism?

An abbreviation is a truncated word; an acronym is made up of parts of the phrase it stands for and is pronounced as a word (ELISA, AIDS, GABA); an initialism is an acronym that is pronounced as individual letters (DNA, RT-PCR).

What is the full form of Mom?

MOM Microsoft Operations Manager Computing » Software — and more…
MOM Minutes Of the Meeting Miscellaneous » Toastmasters — and more…
MOM Milk Of Magnesia Medical » Physiology — and more…
MOM Mercy On Me Community » Religion
MOM Modular Ocean Model Academic & Science » Ocean Science

What do you call your mother’s mother?

Your mother’s mother and your father’s mother are both called “grandmother” most of the time. If you need to distinguish between the two people, you can say “maternal grandmother” or “paternal grandmother”.

What do you do after your mom dies?

  1. Losing a parent is an emotional time.
  2. Get a medical certificate.
  3. Register the death, using the medical certificate, within 5 days of the death (unless it’s been referred to a coroner).
  4. Organise multiple copies of the death certificate.
  5. Arrange the funeral.
  6. Notify the benefits agency.
  7. Managing assets in the short term.

How do you teach the order of the planets?

A good mnemonic for remembering the order of the planets is: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas….The correct order of the planets is:

  1. Mercury (closest to the sun)
  2. Venus.
  3. Earth.
  4. Mars.
  5. Jupiter.
  6. Saturn.
  7. Uranus.
  8. Neptune.

Is Pluto a planet again?

Yes, Pluto Is A Planet Says NASA Scientist At The Site Of Its Discovery 91 Years Ago This Week. Dwarf planets and moons, illustration. All the other dwarf planets so far known are found beyond Neptune, in a region of the Solar System full of debris called the Kuiper belt.

Does Venus have moons 2020?

Of the terrestrial (rocky) planets of the inner solar system, neither Mercury nor Venus have any moons at all, Earth has one and Mars has its two small moons. In the outer solar system, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune have dozens of moons. *Moons of planets and dwarf planets.

What is the hottest temp on Neptune?

It is here on Neptune, just below the upper level clouds, that pressures reach between 1 and 5 bars (100 – 500 kPa). It is also at this level that temperatures reach their recorded high of 72 K (-201.15 °C; -330 °F).

Why is Pluto so cold?

Pluto’s low gravity (about six percent of Earth’s) causes the atmosphere to be much more extended in altitude than our planet’s atmosphere. Pluto becomes much colder during the part of each year when it is traveling far away from the sun.

What is the coldest planet of our solar system?


What is the hottest temperature on Pluto?

At its warmest, when it is closest to the sun, Pluto can reach temperatures of minus 369 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 223 degrees Celsius). At its coolest, temperatures can fall to minus 387 degrees F (minus 233 C).

How fast does Pluto freeze?

But when Pluto is farthest from Earth, that message would travel for over 6.5 hours before reaching its destination. Depending on where it is in its orbit, you can expect freezing temperatures on Pluto that vary from minus 369 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 223 Celsius) to minus 387 F (minus 233 C).

What rains on all the planets?

Titan has liquid seas made of hydrocarbon, lakes, mountains, fog, underground water oceans and yes, it does rain methane on Titan. In fact, Earth and Titan are the only worlds in the Solar System where liquid rains on a solid surface — through again, the rain is methane and not water. Titan globe.