What is the mood in the Tell-Tale Heart?

What is the mood in the Tell-Tale Heart?

The overarching sense of anxiety and nervousness characterizes the tone and mood in the atmosphere of “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The narrator begins the story by trying to convince the reader that he is not mad, and later in the story, he continues to try to make the reader believe that he is sane.

How does fear drive action What does the narrator fear and why Tell-Tale Heart?

The thought of someone being able to see into your soul, see all your intentions is a frightening thing. The narrator’s fear of the old man knowing everything about him would be the driving force that leads him to kill. Yet, even after the eye is destroyed, the narrator continues to hear the old man’s heart beating.

What does the narrator fear in the Tell-Tale Heart?

The narrator is afraid of being seen as mad or insane, but beneath that lies his almost unbearable fear of his own terrors. He projects them on to the old man: Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror.

Why was the narrator full of fear?

Answer: The narrator is afraid of being seen as mad or insane, but beneath that lies his almost unbearable fear of his own terrors. The narrator protests too much when he says it could not be pain or grief that made the old man groan: “oh, no!” Of course, the narrator has no way of knowing why the old man groaned.

Why did the narrator feel that it was the most beautiful island?

The author referred the island of Amsterdam as “’the most beautiful island in the world’. It was because after all the ordeals they had to face in the sea, the island came as a hope for them. It was a small piece of volcanic rock with scanty vegetation. They anchored their ship there and refurbished it.

Why did the narrator feel that things would become exciting when Harris and George began packing?

Answer. Answer: Harris and George offered to pack the hampers because Jerome had taken a long time in packing the bags and hampers had yet to be packed. They also wanted to show their expertise to Jerome.

What was Franz’s greatest fear as he moved towards school?

What was the narrator’s greatest fear as he moved towards the school? Ans: Franz had started late for school and thus was afraid of being scolded . His fear gripped him further for he was also unprepared. He had not learnt his lesson regarding the rules of participles and thus dreaded the teacher’s anger.

What thoughts ran across Franz’s mind as he walked towards the school?

Q2: What thoughts ran across his mind as he walked towards the school? Answer: He thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. It was so warm, so bright. The sight of the chirping birds and the Prussian soldiers drilling tempted him more than the rules of participles he was expected to learn.

What did M Hamel do when the church clock struck twelve?

When the church clock struck twelve, the trumpets of the Prussians returning from their drill sounded at which M. Hamel stood up, very pale, in his chair. He tried to give his farewell words but choked. He could not go on.

What is Angelus in the last lesson?

Ans: Angelus is a midday prayer sung by the catholic.

Why was Mr Hamel so pale?

Dear Student. M. Hamel was pale because he had become emotional due to the fact that the time had come for him to leave the place where he had been for forty years, with his garden outside the window and his class in front of him.

How did M Hamel behave?

He looked very pale and tall. He wanted to say some parting words, but something choked him. Without a word, he made a gesture to the students with his hand to permit them to go as the school was over.

Why is M Hamel suddenly looked so tall?

“look so tall” is a phrase which means sad. M. Hamel was a teacher of French language. It was his last French lesson to teach in the school where he was teaching for 40 years as the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

What did M Hamel say at the end of the class?

In the end of the class, before dismissing his students for the last time, M. Hamel turned towards the board and wrote ‘La Viva France’ which means ‘Long Live France’.

Why did M Hamel make a gesture to the students to leave?

M. Hamel was no longer able to talk as he was overwhelmed and choked with emotions so he made a gesture to the students to leave.

What made M Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson?

Hamel was a true and patriotic Frenchman. He had been teaching at a school in Alsace for the last 40 years. Leaving the school and the people after such a long association was very painful to him . At the end of the class , he became so emotional that he could not speak and started crying out of despair.

How does M Hamel appreciate their mother tongue Why?

Hamel told them that french was the most beautiful language in the world.It was the clearest and the most logical language. He asked them to guard it among them and never forget it.

What does Mr M Hamel say about the mother tongue?

According to M Hamel, one must be proud of his/her mother tongue. We must guard it and never forget it because whenever people are enslaved as long as they hold on to their language it is like they have the key to their prison.

Why was Mr Hamel sad and emotional on his last day at school?

He was emotionally attached to the school and everything in and about it. He was really heartbroken to leave it all. Besides, his own predicament reminded him that his country would soon lose its independence. All this made him sad towards the end of his last lesson.

Why did M Hamel claim French to be the most beautiful language in the world?

Hamel told them that French was the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language. When a people were enslaved as long as they held fast to their language they had the key to their prison.

What did Mr Hamel tell at first in the class?

Answer – The first thing that M. Hamel told that day in class is “My childrens, This is the last lesson I shall give you”. The order has came from Berlin to teach only German in the school of Alsace and Lorraine.

What did Franz feel sorry?

Answer: Franz was sorry for not learning his French lessons. His books, that had seemed such a bother till a while back, were now precious and he felt he could not give them up.

What does M Hamel say to Franz?

Answer. M Hamel told his students that it was their last French lesson, as an order had come from Berlin that henceforth only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. This announcement seemed to be a thunderclap to Franz.

Who asked Franz not to hurry?

When Franz hurried towards the school thinking whether he should attend the class or not, the blacksmith asked him to go slow, He also said he would have plenty of time to go to school.

When did Franz notice the special dress of M Hamel?

1️⃣ He saw M. Hamel wearing the special dress in the morning assembly. 2️⃣ When Franz sat down at his desk and got over his fear, he saw that M. Hamel was wearing a special dress.

How is the tell-tale heart suspenseful?

Story Pacing The timing of events in the story helps to build suspense. For example, the narrator goes into the man’s room each night for a week and shines a small light on the man’s eye while he is sleeping, building the suspense of what he will do. He finally kills the man on the eighth night.

Why did the narrator wait a whole hour in the old man’s bedroom before attacking him?

The Tell-Tale Heart: Why did the narrator wait an entire week before attacking the old man? He wanted to scare the old man by waiting. He wanted the old man to be mean first. He was trying to get the guts to attack him.