What is the name of Mg3 PO3 2?

What is the name of Mg3 PO3 2?

Magnesium Phosphite Mg3(PO3)2 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.

What is chemical formula of magnesium phosphate?

Trimagnesium phosphate/Formula

What is the molar mass of Mg3 PO4 2?

262.855 g/mol
Trimagnesium phosphate/Molar mass

What is the chemical name of Ca3P2?

Calcium phosphide
Tricalcium diphosphide

PubChem CID 14780
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula Ca3P2
Synonyms Tricalcium diphosphide Calcium phosphide (Ca3P2) 1305-99-3 UNII-IQZ9FY9THC IQZ9FY9THC More…
Molecular Weight 182.18

What is the chemical formula for po43?

Properties of Phosphate – PO43-

PO43- Phosphate
Molecular Weight/ Molar Mass 94.97 g/mol
Hydrogen bond acceptor 4
Conjugate acid Hydrogen phosphate
Heavy Atom Count 5

Is phosphate a chemical?

“‘Phosphates’ is a broad term that describes any chemical containing a group of linked oxygen and phosphorus atoms,” says Erin Shanle, a biology professor at Longwood University. “Phosphates are found on many chemicals, including detergents and fertilizers, and molecules in our bodies such as DNA and proteins.

What is the molar mass of Mg3 ( PO4 ) 2?

Molar mass of Mg3(PO4)2 is 262.8577 g/mol. Compound name is magnesium phosphate. Formula in Hill system is Mg3O8P2. Elemental composition of Mg3(PO4)2:

What is the name of the binary compound MG3 ( PO3 ) 2?

The name of the binary compound Mg3 (PO3)2 is magnesium phosphite. Magnesium phosphate is Mg3(PO4)2. Magnesium Phosphide is Mg3P2. Hope this answer helps.

What is the mass of magnesium phosphate MG3?

Magnesium Phosphate. Name: Magnesium Phosphate. Formula: Mg3 (PO4)2. Molar Mass: 262.8577. Mg3 (PO4)2 is a white powder at room temperature. It is insoluable in water.

What is the melting point of MG3 in water?

Mg3(PO4)2 is a white powder at room temperature. It is insoluable in water. Its melting point is 1184 ̊C (2163.2 ̊F), density 2.195 g/cm3.