What is the noun form of pleasant?

What is the noun form of pleasant?


What is the abstract noun of joyful?


What is the abstract noun of foolish?

The abstract noun of fool is foolishness.

What kind of noun is dangerous?

abstract noun

What is an abstract noun with examples?

An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling). Look at the examples below: We can’t imagine the courage it took to do that. Courage is an abstract noun because it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled.

What is the abstract noun of Defend?


Conceal Concealment
Defend Defence
Depart Departure
Friend Friendship

What is the abstract noun of truth?

Answer and Explanation: The abstract noun of true is truth. The abstract noun of true is formed by adding the suffix -th and dropping the e. Other abstract nouns ending in -th include youth and faith.

What is the abstract noun of speak?

Answer. The abstract noun for speak would be “speaking”.

What is the abstract noun of grow?

The abstract noun of the word ‘Grow’ is Growth. An abstract noun is a noun which shows a single bundled concept of various emotions, like happiness, sadness, sorrow, being angry, worried or even crying and also like any sort of idea, feeling or some sort of quality like good, bad, tall, witty and clever.

What is the opposite abstract noun of truth?

reality, validity: falsehood, imperfection, invention, falseness, inexactness, inaccuracy, flaw, lie, untruth, misrepresentation, imprecision, disloyalty, dishonesty.

What is an example of an abstract sentence?

Abstract sentence example. They had no abstract ideas; in their minds all was concrete, visible and tangible. His abstract submission met the deadline. He was searching for an abstract expressionist painting by de Kooning.

What does it mean if something is abstract?

abstract Add to list Share. Use the adjective abstract for something that is not a material object or is general and not based on specific examples. Abstract is from a Latin word meaning “pulled away, detached,” and the basic idea is of something detached from physical, or concrete, reality.

Is night an abstract noun?

Night is a phenomenon, a period of darkness after sunset, hence it’s an abstract noun.