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What is the opposite of discipline?

What is the opposite of discipline?

discipline. Antonyms: disorder, confusion, rebellion, mutiny, encouragement, reward, disorganization. Synonyms: order, strictness, training, government, instruction, drilling, control, coercion, punishment, organization.

What is another name for discipline?

Some common synonyms of discipline are castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, and punish.

What is the opposite of restrictiveness?

Antonyms: nonrestrictive, unprotective, unrestrictive, emancipative.

What is the antonym of strict?

strict. Antonyms: loose, inexact, inaccurate, lenient, mild, indulgent, lax. Synonyms: close, exact, accurate, rigorous, severe, stringent, nice, precise.

Is restrictiveness a word?

Of or relating to restriction. b. Tending or serving to restrict; limiting.

What does precaution mean?

1 : care taken in advance : foresight warned of the need for precaution. 2 : a measure taken beforehand to prevent harm or secure good : safeguard take the necessary precautions.

What is the verb for evasion?

: to get away from or avoid meeting directly evade a question. evade. transitive verb. \ i-ˈvād \ evaded; evading.

What is the meaning of restrictively?

Tending or serving to restrict; limiting. 2. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a subordinate clause or phrase that identifies the noun, phrase, or clause it modifies and limits or restricts its meaning, as the clause who live in glass houses in People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

What is the meaning of permissive?

1 archaic : granted on sufferance : tolerated. 2a : granting or tending to grant permission : tolerant. b : deficient in firmness or control : indulgent, lax.

What does retroactively mean?

: extending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past especially : made effective as of a date prior to enactment, promulgation, or imposition a retroactive tax — see also ex post facto law. Other Words from retroactive. retroactively adverb.

What balk means?

1 : to refuse abruptly —used with at Congress balked at putting up the money— Thomas Fleming. 2 : to stop short and refuse to proceed The horse balked at the jump and threw the rider. 3 sports : to commit a balk (see balk entry 2 sense 1) transitive verb. 1 : to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle : block …

What does Baka mean?

Baka (馬鹿, ばか in hiragana, or バカ in katakana) means “fool”, or (as an adjectival noun) “foolish” and is the most frequently used pejorative term in the Japanese language. This word baka has a long history, an uncertain etymology (possibly from Sanskrit or Classical Chinese), and linguistic complexities.

What is a Bauk?

In the simplest sense, a balk is when the pitcher tries to intentionally deceive the hitter or runner. It can be a flinch on the mound after the pitcher gets set, a deceptive pick off attempt, or even just as simple as dropping the ball once you become set. There are many actions that can result in a balk.

Can you balk with nobody on base?

A quick pitch is an illegal pitch. Umpires will judge a quick pitch as one delivered before the batter is reasonably set in the batter’s box. With runners on base the penalty is a balk; with no runners on base, it is a ball. The quick pitch is dangerous and should not be permitted.

What is the balk rule?

According to the rules of baseball, a balk is “an illegal act by the pitcher with a runner or runners on base, entitling all runners to advance one base.” The purpose of the balk rule is to preserve a balance between runners attempts to steal bases and the defense’s attempts to retire them.

Is balk a dead ball?

Under Official Baseball Rule 6.02(a), the penalty for a balk shall be: The ball is dead (when play stops), and each runner shall advance one base without liability to be put out unless the batter reaches first base on a hit, an error, a base on balls, a hit batter, or otherwise and all other runners advance at least …

Is it a balk to fake a throw to first base?

A pitcher can not feint a throw to first base. That is a balk.

Do you get an RBI for a walk?

A batter is credited with an RBI in most cases where the result of his plate appearance is a run being scored. However, players also receive an RBI for a bases-loaded walk or hit by pitch.

Is an illegal pitch a dead ball?

If a pitcher commits an illegal pitch the ball is immediately dead and a ball is added to the hitters count. If the illegal pitch occurs while a runner is on base, that is a balk and all runners will be awarded one base.

Can you fake to third and throw first in high school?

It is possible, with runners on first and third, for the pitcher to step toward third and not throw, but rather to merely bluff the runner back to third; but then, seeing the runner on first start for second, turn and step toward and throw to first base. This is legal.

What is an illegal pitch?

An Illegal pitch is a pitch that does not conform to the rules. With men on base, such a pitch is a balk, while without it is called a ball, but repeated offenses may lead to further punishment.

How does a screwball break?

When thrown by a right-handed pitcher, a screwball breaks from left to right from the point of view of the pitcher; the pitch therefore moves down and in on a right-handed batter and down and away from a left-handed batter. If thrown correctly, the screwball breaks in the opposite direction of a curveball.

Has anyone thrown a 27 pitch game?

On May 13, 1952 while pitching for the Class-D Bristol Twins, Ron Necciai tossed a no-hitter, striking out 27 in nine innings!

Who has the best screwball?

The Best Screwball Pitchers in MLB History

  • Carl Hubbell.
  • Juan Marichal.
  • Jim Brewer.
  • Fernando Valenzuela.
  • Warren Spahn.
  • Jim Mecir.
  • Mike Cuellar.
  • Luis Arroyo.

Is throwing a screwball bad for your arm?

No, throwing a screwball doesn’t hurt your arm. There is no hard evidence to suggest pronating the arm is any more harmful than the regular throwing motion.

Why is it called a screwball?

screwball (n.) “eccentric person,” 1933, U.S. slang, earlier as a type of erratic baseball pitch (1928), from a still earlier name for a type of delivery in cricket (1866), from screw (n.) + ball (n. 1). Screwball comedy is attested from 1937, in reference to the work of Carole Lombard.