What is the opposite of hasty?

What is the opposite of hasty?

hasty. Antonyms: slow, leisurely, careful, close, reflective, developed, matured, complete, elaborate, thoughtful, deliberate.

What is another word for in haste?

Some common synonyms of haste are dispatch, expedition, hurry, and speed. While all these words mean “quickness in movement or action,” haste applies to personal action and implies urgency and precipitancy and often rashness.

What does lack of haste mean?

Noun. Slow and careful movement or thought.

How do you say not to rush?


  1. (there’s) no hurry. phrase.
  2. in your own (good) time. phrase.
  3. whoa. interjection.
  4. haste makes waste/more haste less speed. phrase.
  5. what’s the hurry? phrase.
  6. time is on your side. phrase.
  7. give someone/something a chance. phrase.
  8. in my/his/her etc hurry. phrase.

Is it rude to say no rush?

Someone who asks for something that isn’t urgent can say ‘no rush. ‘ OR, if you’re waiting for someone who’s busy, you can say ‘no rush’ to indicate that you’re in no hurry and are willing to wait. It can, however, be used in that same situation sarcastically to indicate that the other person should get a move on it.

Is Take Your Time rude?

Saying “please take your time” is a polite way to do that because if they rush they to make an appointment they may put themselves in danger.

How do you politely say take your time?

Take Your Time

  1. Sincerely – Meaning: I’m not in a rush; take all the time you need. Example: I’m waiting for my friend Jenny to meet me for coffee.
  2. Sarcastically – Meaning: You are taking a very long time and I’m not happy about it.
  3. Encouragingly – Meaning: You can do this!

How do you say no problem in a formal way?

No Problem Synonyms

  1. You’re welcome (Formal)
  2. Sure thing (Informal)
  3. No worries (Informal)
  4. Cool (Informal)
  5. It’s all gravy (Informal)
  6. It’s all right (Informal)
  7. Certainly (Formal)
  8. Of course (Formal)

What does no rush mean?

” No rush ” Meaning: Said to someone to indicate that you aren’t in a hurry for them to complete their task.

Is no hurries correct?

No hurry, no worry sounds better to me. It might have two meanings, depending on the context: There is no need for your hearer either to hurry or to worry—you don’t need immediate response or action. In other words, “Don’t hurry, and don’t worry”.

What does Dont Rush Me mean?

don’t rush me- is when you’re saying don’t make me go faster. Ex. If you’re in a hurry and your friend is not; they will say “don’t rush me.”

What does it mean when a guy says no rush?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a man says “don’t rush it (feelings), let me know when you are ready”? It sounds like he’s definitely interested in starting a relationship with you or keeping the one you have going.

Is taking it slow a bad sign?

“It’s natural to take a new relationship slow,” Dr. Venessa Marie Perry, Founder and Chief Relationship Strategist, tells Bustle. “But going too slow can be an indicator that the person isn’t really into you and may be stringing you along.” While you shouldn’t stress over relationship timelines, Dr.

Why you shouldn’t rush into a relationship?

It’s rushing into love that stops you from creating real love. It’s allowing yourself to fall too quickly. It’s allowing your mind wander to its brightest and most romantic corners. It’s imagining things about a person that probably aren’t even true.

What does taking it slow mean to a guy?

Not every guy is the same, but, typically, when he says he wants to take it slow, it “indicates a desire for the pace in which intimacy, connection, feelings, and commitments grow in a relationship to be one that feels comfortable,” according to Thomas Edwards Jr., founder of The Professional Wingman.

Do guys like it slow or fast?

While just about half (50.2%) of men and women agreed that they would like an even split between fast and slow pace, more women (31.7 %) chose a fast pace ‘most or all of the time’ than men (20%), who didn’t want it that fast nearly as often.

Is it bad if a guy wants to take things slow?

If your man says he wants to take it slow, this could be a message that you are moving too fast. It could also be a disclosure at the beginning of the dating practice to let you know ahead of time that he is being intentional and patient with his choice for whom he would like to make a commitment. This is also good.

How do you take things slow without losing interest?

Once you’re both ready to take it slow, here’s how to keep things interesting:

  1. Try new things together.
  2. Share something you love with your new partner.
  3. Ask these questions.
  4. Find creative ways to stay connected.
  5. Don’t use texting as a crutch.

Why do some guys move so slow?

When a man is moving slow and he is taking his time in the relationship regardless of whether it’s early dating to long term exclusivity, our instinct is to do something to speed the process up to get to the outcome we desire more quickly. This can look anywhere from taking bold action to subtle nudging along the way.

Do guys like when you text them first?

Believe it or not, many guys really like it when girls text first. Being confident is a big turn-on, and sending the first text takes confidence! Unless you’re sending slews of unanswered messages at a time, consistently sending the first text can actually be a big turn-on for guys.

How do you make a guy regret hurting you?

If you want to make him regret hurting you, you need to show him that your life hasn’t ended. You are working on yourself, trying new things, and creating a new life that will be even better than the one you had when he was in it.

Why did he lose interest suddenly?

Your first instinct is typically to get far away from them. It doesn’t matter how nice and friendly they are, you can’t trust them because you know they want something out of you. That’s the switch guys feel that causes them to lose interest. It’s the shift from things being easy and fun to agenda-driven.

Why do guys go distant?

One of the biggest reasons that a guy might start acting distant towards you is if something in his life is stressing him out outside the relationship, and he wants to tackle it alone. Maybe he’s having problems at work and doesn’t feel like talking about them. Or maybe work is just extra stressful for a little while.