What is the plot of the possibility of evil?

What is the plot of the possibility of evil?

”The Possibility of Evil” is a short story which implies that evil can arise in a person or in a community that seems tranquil and almost perfect. It is narrated in a third-person point of view and employs indirect characterization to gradually reveal the wickedness in the plot.

What is the theme of the short story the possibility of evil?

The main themes in “The Possibility of Evil” are appearances versus reality, isolation and privilege, and the ubiquity of evil. Appearances versus reality: The story explores the tensions between Miss Strangeworth’s outward appearance and her secret habit of writing anonymous poison pen letters.

What is ironic about the end of the possibility of evil?

This is ironic simply because Miss Strangeworth was the one creating all the destruction and chaos in other people’s lives by accusing them of evil and now the evil had turned around and returned back on her and destroyed the one thing that is mostly dear to her which is her rose garden. …

What is ironic about Miss Strangeworth?

This is an example of situational irony because Miss Strangeworth believes that she is ridding the town of evil while in reality she is causing it; the letters that she writes bring evil into the town. This example of situational irony effects readers because it reveals Miss Strangeworth’s attitude and character.

What was most important to miss Strangeworth?

Miss Strangeworth prides herself on pointing out faults in others. She is an elitist in this way. She thinks she has the moral authority to judge others and therefore, she thinks she is doing her part to eradicate evil in her town.

What is Miss Strangeworth’s first name?

Adela Strangeworth

What does Miss Strangeworth realize in final paragraph?

Hover for more information. Miss Strangeworth mainly reveals she is evil through the anonymous, poison pen letters she sends to her small town neighbors. They are filled with cruel statements and false insinuations.

Why is Miss Strangeworth not evil?

Miss Strangeworth did not actually see any evil. She didn’t even guess that anybody in the town was doing anything evil. She sensed that there was evil behavior going on in the town, and she saw the possibilities of evil in many human relationships.

Is Miss Strangeworth a sociopath?

Shirley Jackson’s ‘protagonist’ in her short story The Possibility of Evil almost certainly does not realize that she has done anything wrong. On the contrary, Adela Strangeworth is, by all indications, a psychopath with no sense of social propriety and no grasp of conventional notions of right and wrong.

Why does Miss Strangeworth send the letters?

In “The Possibility of Evil,” Miss Strangeworth writes letters to others to relieve her repressed aggressions and to project her own fears and desires onto others.

Why does Miss Strangeworth think she owns the town?

Why does Miss Strangeworth sometimes find herself thinking the town belongs to her? She is bothered by the thought of them traveling to “strange places and strange streets” with them.

Why does Miss Strangeworth lie about the goings on in her town?

She lies to make people aware that bad things can happen. Why does Miss Strangeworth lie about the goings on in her town? She sees herself as the owner of the town. Her grandfather started the lumber mill and built the first house in the town, and she is very proud at that.

Why does Miss Strangeworth stop and greet everyone?

The narrator notes “as long as evil existed unchecked in the world, it was Miss Strangeworth’s duty to keep her town alert to it.” She greets everyone so that she can have material for her letters. This is the letter she drops, thus revealing to Don and Helen that she has been writing the letters.

What letter is Miss Strangeworth dropped?

Miss Strangeworth accidentally put her name on it. Miss Strangeworth gave the letter to Don Crane in person. The Harris boy saw Miss Strangeworth drop the letter and decided to take it to Don Crane.

How does miss Strangeworth feel about never leaving her town?

Miss Strangeworth feels that she is the guardian of her town. Her self-righteous attitude towards her fellow townsfolk can be seen in the way she characterizes them.

How is Miss Strangeworth polite?

The narrator had mentioned that Miss Strangeworth “had to stop every minute or so to say good morning to someone or to ask after someone’s health” which shows her first important trait. She is considerate, proper and polite.

Which type of character is Miss Strangeworth?


What is Miss Strangeworth’s view of human nature?

Miss Strangeworth’s view of human nature is that people are evil, and she suspects the worst of their behavior.

What lesson does the story teach about human nature?

The main lesson about human nature we should derive from “The Possibility of Evil” is that we should not judge people by the personas they present. Miss Strangeworth seems to be a sweet, kindly little old lady whose main interests in life are doing a little shopping and caring for her rose bushes.

How will miss Strangeworth’s life in the town be different?

How will Miss Strangeworth’s life in town be different after her secret has been discovered? I think that she will loose the respect and kindness from all the people in town because she wasn’t who they thought she was. 3. What social or political issues are reflected in “The Possibility of Evil.”

Is the punishment that Miss Strangeworth received at the end of the story appropriate?

The punishment that Miss Strangeworth receives at the end of the story could be viewed as appropriate because it is aimed directly at her roses, the thing she cares for most in the world. This echoes the damage that she caused to other residents in the town.

What mistake does miss Strangeworth make that reveals her identity?

What mistake does Miss Strangeworth make that reveals her identity? She drops the letter and a person finds letter. What happens to Miss Strangeworth that lets her know her secret is out. Her rose bushes are all cut.