What is the plot of the story Rikki Tikki Tavi?

What is the plot of the story Rikki Tikki Tavi?

One day, a summer flood washes a young mongoose named Rikki-tikki-tavi away from his family. He’s found and revived by a British family living in India. The family adopts the orphaned mongoose—or, more accurately, he decides to stick around.

What does Rikki Tikki Tavi symbolize?

-Teddy: Represents innocence. He also represents the future of the British rule in India. -Parents: Represent the British rulers who use violence and modern technology(the gun) to keep the wild natives in line.

What is the motto of Rikki Tikki Tavi?

The motto of the entire mongoose family is “Run and find out.” Although Rikki is just a young mongoose, he naturally follows his curiosity and then uses his skill in killing snakes to keep the human family safe.

What are the main events in Rikki Tikki Tavi?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Event 1: Teddy’s parents see Rikki- Tikki on Teddy’s pillow.
  • Event 2; Rikki Tikki meets nag in the garden.
  • Event 3; Rikki Tikki meets Karait in the garden.
  • Event4; Nag sneaks into the house at night.
  • Event 5; Darzee’s wife pretends to have a broken wing.

Does Rikki Tikki Tavi die?

No, the protagonist Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, does not die in the short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.

Why is Rikki Tikki grateful to Teddy’s family?

Why is Rikki-Tikki grateful to Teddy’s family? He is grateful to Teddy’s family because they feed him with food . First- He bites the snake in the bathroom Second-He tricks Nagaina so that they family wouldn’t get killed .

Why did Rikki-Tikki destroy Nagaina eggs?

Rikki-tikki’s decision to destroy Nagaina’s eggs contributes to the story by driving the action forward towards the main conflict and ensuring that there will be no more cobras in the garden, at least in the immediate future. The destruction of the eggs leads to the final conflict between Rikki-tikki and Nagaina.

How does Rikki-Tikki save the family from snakes?

He is able to kill a small snake, Karait, and then the male cobra, Nag. After killing Nag, Rikki-tikki ensures that Nagaina does not get the better of him. He distracts her from biting Teddy and kills all of her baby cobras in their eggs. Rikki-tikki protects his family because that is what he was born to do.

What is Teddy’s mother afraid Rikki-Tikki might do to Teddy?

2. What is Teddy’s mother afraid Rikki-tikki might do to Teddy? Bite him.

What happens when Rikki Tikki Tavi became angry?

What happened whenever Rikki-tikki-tavi became angry? His eyes turned red.

Why did Rikki Tikki feel dizzy when he was fighting nag?

5) Why did Rikki-tikki feel dizzy when he was fighting Nag? Ans: Rikki-tikki felt dizzy because Nag shook him up and down and around in great circles.

Is Rikki Tikki Tavi a true story?

Review with your students that “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” is a fictional story, because even though there are such things as cobras and mongooses, the story characters and events are made up.

Why did Rikki Tikki Tavi kill Karait?

Rikki-tikki killed Karait because Karait threatened to harm Teddy. The fight between Karait and Rikki-tikki is very brief, and the build-up to it is even more brief. The text says Rikki-tikki was ready to be petted.

How does Rikki-Tikki-Tavi feel after he kills Karait?

After he has killed Karait, we are told that Rikki-tikki-tavi is “thoroughly enjoying himself.” He doesn’t seem to experience any guilt or remorse for killing the snake. On the contrary, however, we are told that the snake is very dangerous and could have done significant damage to the family.

Why is Karait more dangerous than nag?

The snake’s small size is why Karait is so dangerous. Because the snake is so small, Karait is much quicker than a cobra and can turn much tighter. Rikki-Tikki doesn’t know it, but he absolutely has to perfectly place his bite.

Are nag and Nagaina evil?

If you read the story in a classical sense, then yes, Nag and Nagaina are totally villains. Specifically, they represent the western archetype of the dragon. Likewise, Nagaina makes a “savage hiss” when she misses her chance to kill Rikki-tikki (30). Oh, and they try to kill the British family with a sneak attack.

Why do nag and Nagaina want to kill the entire English family?

Q. Why do Nag and Nagaina want to do away with the entire English family? They resent the English as conquerors of their land. They believe that once the family is gone, Rikki-tikki will leave and they will be safe.

What happens to nag and Nagaina?

Nagaina was the female cobra in the garden at the Indian bungalow. Rikki-tikki killed her mate, Nag, earlier in the story. However, it turns out that Nag and Nagaina had eggs. The other animals assume that once he follows her into her hole he is dead, because a cobra hole is very dangerous.

Why do the Cobras want to kill the humans?

It is obvious to him that Rikki is a threat to them because he knows a mongoose’s whole “business in life was to fight and eat snakes.” Nagaina explains that killing the humans is a vital step to their supremacy in the garden and being able to raise their brood of young snakes in peace and safety.

What are the main events in the story Rikki Tikki Tavi?

One theme from Rikki Tikki Tavi would be courage. Rikki has to fight two cobras, Nag and Nagaina, to protect his garden and Teddy. He is frightened of them because they are stronger and bigger than he is, but he overcomes his fear and fights them anyway.

What happened to Rikki Tikki after the flood?

Rikki-tikki gets washed away from his mongoose family in a flood and that is how he ends up with the people.

How would you describe Rikki Tikki Tavi?

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: a mongoose (a small rodent, like a weasel). He is the protagonist of the story, which is the main character, often the hero. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fights off snakes to defend a family he befriends. Nag: a cobra and one of the antagonists of the story, meaning the character who battles the protagonist.

Who did Rikki Tikki Tavi kill?


Why didn’t Rikki Tikki Tavi destroy all of Nagaina’s eggs?

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi didn’t destroy all of Nagaina’s eggs because he wants to use one egg as leverage to draw Nagaina to him. The main conflict is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi must keep Teddy and his family safe, and they are threatened by cobras living in the garden.

What are mongooses famous for killing?

Mongooses are noted for their audacious attacks on highly venomous snakes such as king cobras.

Can a mongoose kill a human?

Yes a mongoose can indeed kill a man. Rad Mongoose Lowrider Scores Cover of Street Trucks Magazine. Mongooses are closely related to ferrets and weasels. Successive attacks do not increase duration.

Can a mongoose kill a python?

Famous for their ability to kill cobras in southern Asia, the mongoose may be able to kill younger, small pythons. And it has been widely used in the Caribbean to kill rats on farms.

Can a mongoose kill a cat?

They have serious teeth and a serious bite to go with it. One bite and the mongoose could snap the cats’ leg.

How do I get rid of mongooses?

Currently, methods of rodent and mongoose control include using live and kill traps, multikilling devices and diphacinone in bait stations. Diphacinone has been used in bait stations to protect Hawaii’s native species since the 1990s, according to the Fish and Wildlife Service.

Is seeing Mongoose lucky?

Mongoose is well known for their ability to kill snakes. While some people are extremely scared of a mongoose, some people believe that following the path of the mongoose will bring good luck. This is one of the most common superstition and most of the people believe in it.

Can a mongoose kill a king cobra?

The mongoose is known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, especially cobras. The mongoose is known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, especially cobras.

What animal can kill a king cobra?


Can mongoose kill black mamba?

Mongooses, which have some resistance to mamba venom and are often quick enough to evade a bite, will sometimes take a black mamba for prey.

What can kill a lion?

So the lion really does not have many predators although it is hunted in some occasions: young cubs can be hunted by other predators if left alone. Also the sick and old individuals are subject to prey. Lions can be killed by being kicked by hoofed animals such as giraffe, gnu, are even deer.

What are lions afraid of?

Lions (male and female) are afraid of large mammals like giraffes, hippos and elephants, but they are also afraid of their day-to-day prey. Every time a hunt takes place, their prey animals are going to try their best to resist.

What bird can kill a lion?

Ostrich kicks

Can a gorilla kill a lion?

However, a gorilla is a mighty foe with more stamina and fearsome strength. It’s the will to fight will last much longer than a male lion’s and if it gets its hands upon a solid branch, it can put a beating on its feline combatant.

Why Tiger is not king of jungle?

Lions may face a challenge to the species’ long reign as king of the jungle, after scientists from Oxford University found that tigers have the bigger brains. “However, the tiger has bigger cranial volume than the lion. …

Can a human beat a gorilla?

Yes, the strongest human can fight a gorilla and win. In fact it does not take the strongest human to win in a fight with a gorilla. There are less than 175,000 gorillas.

Can a human defeat a lion?

Is it possible for a human being to fight a lion and win? Either with bare hands or melee weapons, no guns. It is possible both ways by melee weapons or bare handed . By melee weapons the chances are extremely high if the person fighting is very focused and not afraid.

Can a pistol kill a lion?

It would be very foolish to try to hunt lions with a 9mm Luger rifle or pistol, or carry one to defend yourself in lion country. Long answer: 35 Whelen or 9mm Mauser (also a 9mm size bullets, but much heavier and with much more power behind them) would kill a lion with most shots to the vital area or head.

Can Tiger kill a lion?

Tigers have been known to kill lions in captivity. Lions often hunt in groups, whereas tigers hunt alone. Lion mothers care for their cubs for about two years.

Do Maasai kill lions?

“Lion killing is part of traditional Maasai culture but in recent years we have seen this change from an indiscriminate act that signals passage into manhood, to a direct response to the loss of livestock. “Our study makes it very clear that lion killing is provoked only by the loss of livestock to lions.

Can you kill a lion with bare hands?

Yes, if the lion chokes on your skull. Upvoted for making me laugh out loud. Although technically speaking the OP said “with his/her bare hands”. So, the lion would have to choke on the bare hands and not the skull.

Do the Maasai still hunt lions?

Maasai lion hunting. The Maasai people have traditionally viewed the killing of lions as a rite of passage. Historically, lion hunts were done by individuals, however, due to reduced lion populations, lion hunts done solo are discouraged by elders. Most hunts are now partaken by groups of 10 warriors.

Are Lions afraid of Maasai warriors?

Over the years on Safari I had always heard (and even read) that lions seemed to have an innate fear of Maasai warriors. Lions reportedly would run from them on sight, seemingly able to recognize that they were Maasai by their stance or posture or their long stride.

What is the plot of the story Rikki-Tikki Tavi?

What is the plot of the story Rikki-Tikki Tavi?

One day, a summer flood washes a young mongoose named Rikki-tikki-tavi away from his family. He’s found and revived by a British family living in India. The family adopts the orphaned mongoose—or, more accurately, he decides to stick around.

When Teddy’s parents wake Rikki-Tikki from his sleep following the battle with Nagaina What does he say?

doesn’t know how to do the right thing at the right time.” Darzee’s wife does. When Teddy’s parents wake Rikki-tikki from his sleep following the battle with Nagaina, what does he say? What does this reveal about how he feels about the battle (Pg. 422) “’Oh, it’s you,’ he said.

Who is Teddy in Rikki-Tikki Tavi?

Teddy, the young English boy who first finds Rikki-tikki nearly drowned in a roadside ditch, is pivotal to the story, but less as a character in and of himself than as the focus of the mongoose’s protective nature.

What happened when Rikki-Tikki-Tavi became angry?

What happened whenever Rikki-tikki-tavi became angry? His eyes turned red.

Why isn’t Rikki Tikki afraid of the snakes?

Why isn’t Rikki Tikki afraid of snakes? He loves them. His best friend is a snake. He was raised by snakes.

Why is Rikki-Tikki not eating too much at meals?

Naturally, Rikki-tikki wants to eat the snake, but then he remembers that a full meal makes for a slow mongoose. In other words, if he’s too full from eating Karait, he won’t be quick enough to carry out his duties in defending Teddy and his family from other snakes.

Which snake does Rikki-Tikki kill in the bathroom of the bungalow?

Rikki-tikki killed Nagaina by following her into her hole and fighting her to the death. Nagaina was the female cobra in the garden at the Indian bungalow. Rikki-tikki killed her mate, Nag,…

Why do nag and Nagaina want to kill the entire English family?

Q. Why do Nag and Nagaina want to do away with the entire English family? They resent the English as conquerors of their land. They believe that once the family is gone, Rikki-tikki will leave and they will be safe.

Where does Rikki-Tikki get his name?

Rikki got his name from the sound he makes, an example of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a sound device where a word is used that makes a sound. The words are usually spelled to represent the sound. In this case, the sound is the war cry of the mongoose.

How Rikki-Tikki saves the family from snakes?

Plot: The storyline; how the story takes place. Soon after, Rikki defends Teddy from a snake named Karait and saves Teddy’s life. That night, Rikki patrols Teddy’s home. He overhears Nag and Nagaina plotting to kill Teddy’s family so they can get to Rikki. He also learns that Nagaina has unhatched eggs hidden.

Why did Darzee’s wife fly near Nagaina?

To distract nagaina, so Rikki had more time to destroy the eggs.