What is the plural of Bruder?

What is the plural of Bruder?

Declension and Plural of Bruder The declension of the noun Bruder is in singular genitive Bruders and in the plural nominative Brüder.

What is the plural form of kind?


What is a Bruder?

noun. brother [noun] the title given to a male child to describe his relationship to the other children of his parents. I have two older brothers. brother [noun] (plural also brethren) a member of a religious group.

What is the plural for Brother in German?

The plural of the German words are included, given that these plural forms are not intuitive….Nuclear family.

Member Meaning Plural
die Schwester sister die Schwestern
der Bruder brother die Brüder
die Mama mother (informal) die Mamas

How do you say older brother in different languages?

Please find below many ways to say older brother in different languages. This is the translation of the word “older brother” to over 100 other languages….Saying Older brother in European Languages.

Language Ways to say older brother
Estonian vanem vend Edit
Finnish vanhempi veli Edit
French grand frère Edit

How do you say little brother in different languages?

This is the translation of the word “little brother” to over 100 other languages….Saying Little brother in European Languages.

Language Ways to say little brother
Dutch kleine broer Edit
Estonian väike vend Edit
Finnish pikkuveli Edit
French petit frère Edit

How do you say brother in Sanskrit?

translations brother

  1. bratha. Ramachandran M.
  2. अनुजः Noun Masculine. en A masculine sibling. sa Brother. Sumathi Sriram.
  3. बंधू Wikizionario.

What is Big Brother called in Sanskrit?

Relations in Sanskrit–Sanskrit Names of Family Relations

English Names of Relations Sanskrit Names of Relations Transliteration
Son पुत्रः Putraḥ
Elder Brother ज्येष्ठभ्राता Jyeṣṭhabhrātā
Younger Brother कनिष्ठभ्राता Kaniṣṭhabhrātā
Elder Sister ज्येष्ठभगिनी Jyeṣṭhabhaginī

How do you say son in Sanskrit?

Putra (पुत्र’) means son in Sanskrit.

What is boy called in Sanskrit?

Boy Meaning in Sanskrit

1 Boy बालः Balah
2 Boy बालकः Balakah
3 Boy बाला Bala
4 Boy माणवकः Manvakah
5 Boy वत्सः Vatsah

What do we call monkey in Sanskrit?

IPA: mʌŋkiSanskrit: मंगकी Transliterate.