What is the rainy day poem about?

What is the rainy day poem about?

The “day” is a metaphor for “life.” Written after the death of his first wife and before he married his second wife, “The Rainy Day” has been interpreted as a deeply personal look into Longfellow’s psyche and state of mind. But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary.

What figures of speech are used in the rainy day?

Personification was used in the first (The vine clings) and last stanza (Be still, sad heart!). The title might also serve as a metaphor for sadness (Rainy Day).

Who wrote the poem the rainy day?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s

What type of poem is television?

Form & language The poem is a long one but very simple in language and form. It follows rhymed Iambic tetrameter lines throughout the poem with no stanza division. The poet has capitalized the important portions – especially where he talks about the undesired consequences of watching television.

What is the style of the poem television?

Close repetition of conjunctions. In the poem ‘Television’, polysyndeton is used every here and there. “They loll and slop and lounge about” / “They sit and stare and stare and sit” / “And treasure isles, and distant shores” / “And sailing ships and elephants” etc.

How does TV kill the children’s imagination?

They simply sit and stare at the screen for hours together. Though the child is seeing things on TV, his brain is not getting stimulated. Instead, his brain becomes numb (‘AS SOFT AS CHEESE’) and he loses the power of ‘THINKING’. Children are born curious.

What is the most important thing the poet has Learnt?

Answer: The most important thing that the poet has learnt is that children should be kept away from the television set or not to install the television set at all.

What advice does the poet give to the parents about the monster?

The poet advises parents never to install the ‘idiotic thing’ so as to save their children’s thinking and imagination from decaying. TV is not only idiotic but also a monster that hypnotises children and fills them with junk.

What is the poet’s advice to all parents?

According to the poet Roald Dahl, whenever he advises parents to keep their children away from their TV set, they often react by saying that it keeps their children calm. They would also raise question as to what they should do to keep their children entertained if they take the TV set away.

Why should the poet read books to children?

Ans. The poet recommends reading of books to the children as only reading can fill children with the true joy and happiness. Whereas watching television for hours make them dull and passive.

What important question does the poet pose for the parents?

Answer: The poet advises the parents to convince their children about the negative impact of watching television on their minds. He tells them that television is an box. It makes the viewers dull So children should not be allowed to view the programmes on television.

Why does the poet repeat the word never?

Answer: The poet has employed capitalisation in some places in the poem ‘Television’ to mark the most important messages he wants to convey. Dahl wants to warn us against the excessive watching of television and then to suggest the better alternative in the form of reading books through his poem.

What message does the story convey?

The message that is conveyed to the reader from the story is the message the writer wants to convey. Explanation: Normally a story conveys the message that the author wanted to send but sometimes, some people understand or grasp the message they want to get.

What message does the story the last lesson?

The last lesson by Alphonse Daudet is mainly about the longing to learn the mother tongue and love for it. It has a sense of patriotism. The Prussians rejected the freedom of the people of Lorraine and Alsace to learn their own mother tongue. The colonizers took away the basic rights of the people.

What message is conveyed to the reader through this lesson?

So, The message that is the narrator who wants to give to the readers through the lesson “The Black Aeroplane” – In my opinion, we should not lose our hope in trouble.

What message do the two stories about flying convey to the readers?

The story conveys the message that we learn by taking courage and not by sitting idle. A young seagull is fed lovingly by his parents. But when the time comes for him to fly, he feels afraid. His parents try many tricks to teach him to fly.

What message does the story black Aeroplane convey?

We should not lose hope in life. Even in the worst possible scenarios we should be able to see light at the end of the tunnel. If we take risks and face challenges with grit, determination and perseverance, we can face any storm and get rewarded with a rainbow. The Almighty sees everything but at times He waits.

What is the rainy day poem about?

What is the rainy day poem about?

‘The Rainy Day’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow compares a speaker’s inward emotional and mental state to rainy/stormy weather. In the first lines of the poem, he depicts his emotions and the storm occurring around him as dark and dreary. The weather/depression is inescapable.

Why does the rain scene beautiful to the poet?

Why does the poet say that the rain is beautiful? The poet says that the rain is beautiful because it comes in the hot summer and settles the dust in the air and cools the heat. Which are the places where the rain falls? The rain falls in the narrow lanes and the hot streets.

What is rain quote?

Best Quotes About Rain “I like people who smile when it’s raining.” “Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.”

Why do I love the rain quotes?

Those who say only sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain. If raindrops sounds beautiful to you then remember you are in love with someone. Love and Rain have a deep connection. Because Rain is the most important and really special thing for a lover.

How beautiful is the rain poem explain?

“How Beautiful is the Rain” is a poem all about what happens when rain comes to a dry place. In the poem, the falling rain has an impact on different people and in different places. Oxen who are used to plow fields feel the relief and rest from the rain. The farmer surveys his crops as the rain pours over them.

What effect does the rain have on the sick man?

Answer. Effects that rain can have on a sick person is the immune system can slow down. Rain in general when exposed to us at prolonged amounts of time can actually make sicknesses worse. Despite the theory, being in the rain in the cold cannot make you sick but can make a sickness worse by slowing the immune system.

What is the sound of the rain compared to?

Answer. Explanation: Rainfall produces relatively more sound between 5–15 kHz than wind. The sound of heavy rain is very, very loud compared to the sound produced by breaking waves at all frequencies.

How does the plain look before the rain?

Explanation: Before the rain, the plain looks like a leopard’s tawny and spotted hide due to its light brown colour which indicates that it has dried up. The grass is extremely dry and the crops are even more so, and thus the rain is extremely welcomed.

How does the plain look?

A plain is any lowland area that is level or gently sloping or rolling. It normally has few, if any, prominent hills or valleys, but may have considerable slope. A plain may be forested or bare of trees. Many plains around the world are covered in grasses.

What does the poet compare the dry grass to in the poem rain in summer?

He compares it with the hoofs of the horses, to give us an image of the rhythm and sound of the raindrops on the roof.

Why does the poet call it the welcome rain?

Why does the poet welcome the rain? Answer: The poet welcomes the rain because it will cool the atmosphere and wash away all the dust in the surroundings and clean, the air.

How does Poet enjoy the rain?

The poet loves rain because it carries him in old memories. He thinks it is bliss to hear the sound of the rain on the roof. He lies in his cozy bed and enjoys the music of nature. It is a bliss for him.

How does it affect the poet?

It saved the whole day of the poet. The poet was feeling laziness and he was not enjoying the day. And suddenly a crow flew away from the tree making the dust of snow fall on the poet. After it the poet became fresh by mood and started enjoying.