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What is the sentence of in accordance with?

What is the sentence of in accordance with?

: in a way that agrees with or follows (something, such as a rule or request) In accordance with your request, I am sending a copy of my book. His funeral will be private, in accordance with his wishes. The soldiers said they acted in accordance with his orders.

Which is in accordance with?

In accordance with or in accordance are phrases used to say that someone agrees with another’s suggestion, proposal, wishes, request or demand. It can also mean that some will act in compliance (or in agreement with) certain rules, policy, contract, law or legal obligations.

Do you say in accordance with or to?

in accordance with is used to make reference to rules, laws, principles and all kinds of establishments. in accordance to is used to make reference to a person.

What does work in accordance mean?

phrase. If something is done in accordance with a particular rule or system, it is done in the way that the rule or system says that it should be done.

What is the meaning of find it difficult?

Apr 11, 2009. To be precise, it means that for a certain person (the one who ‘finds’ it difficult), that thing is difficult. Though it may not be difficult for everyone.

How do you use find it difficult?

The sentence in question is supposed to relate to this one: “People find it difficult to understand this question,” where “it” is an expletive filling in for “to understand this question.” Thus, you can say: People find it difficult to understand this question. People find understanding this question difficult.

What’s another word for struggle?

SYNONYMS FOR struggle 1 oppose, contest, fight, conflict. 7 endeavor, exertion. 8 encounter, skirmish.

What can I say instead of begin?

What is another word for to begin with?

initially originally
firstly at the start
at the outset beforehand
incipiently in the beginning
primarily to start with

What can I say instead of starters?

other words for for starters

  • first off.
  • to begin with.

What is another word for first and foremost?

What is another word for first and foremost?

above all principally
primarily chiefly
predominantly mostly
mainly essentially
basically substantially

Is there a comma after first of all?

When we write sequence words like first, next, then, or last, we put a comma after those words. say: After each sequence word in these sentences, the writer used a comma to set off the sequence words.