What is the setting of the story marigolds?

What is the setting of the story marigolds?

“Marigolds” takes place in a rural African-American community during the 1930s—a time of racial segregation, poverty, and limited opportunity. This setting offers important clues about the development of the story’s theme, or underlying message.

Which setting is most important to the story Mrs Ellis House John Burke’s chair Miss Lottie’s Garden Elizabeth’s room?

Explanation: In the “Marigolds” story, the most important setting is Miss. Lotie’s garden.

Is Lizabeth a flat or round character?

Lizabeth is a dynamic character because she changes from naive to compassionate. Miss Lottie is a static character because we never see her grow or change in understanding throughout “Marigolds”.

What type of character is Lizabeth?

Lizabeth is indecisive, excitable, rebellious, and impotent. We don’t like Lizabeth because she’s rude, and over reacts about everything. Lizabeth is in the time period when she is confused about womanhood, and about reality. She is very bravado, because she is the oldest and needs to set an example for Joey.

Why does Lizabeth destroy the flowers?

Lizabeth destroys the marigolds in an attempt to release the anger and frustration she feels about her life. After she hears her father crying, Lizabeth wishes that “I too could cry and be comforted.” Having no source of comfort, she results to lashing out to try and express her anger.

What does Miss Lottie marigolds symbolize?

For Miss Lottie, the marigolds were a symbol of beauty and hope in an otherwise hopeless environment.

What do marigolds symbolize?

In modern western culture, marigolds symbolize positive emotions and energy. We associate the flowers’ fiery yellow, orange, and red hues with the warmth of the Sun, happiness, joy, optimism, and good luck. Yet, marigolds sometimes symbolize darker emotions such as jealousy, grief, despair, and mourning

What flower symbolizes death?


Are marigolds good luck?

Marigolds. Often associated with Mother Mary, some religions consider marigolds as protection from evil spirits, says Amy Enfield, instructor and content developer for Scotts Miracle-Gro. “And for others, they represent the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and are symbolic for good fortune,” she says

What is the luckiest flower?


What flower symbolizes prosperity?

Alstroemeria flower

What flower is considered lucky?


What is the flower of eternal love?

Orange Blossom

Is a lotus flower lucky?

As one can see, the lotus plant is one of the most widely observable items in both feng shui and religions. It is without doubt that it carries positive energy that can bring about auspicious luck in academic success, social status, and good fortune. When coupled with the laurel to represent good luck with fertility.

What flower represents balance?

common dahlia

What flowers mean friendship?

1. Yellow rose. The yellow rose is perhaps the best known flower of friendship

What color means friendship?


Which flower symbolizes friendship and devotion?

Alstroemeria Alstroemeria is a beautiful flower that represents fortune, devotion and friendship

Which flower is a symbol of first love?

Purple lilacs

What plants bring positive energy?

Here are few plants that will surely help in bringing positive energy in home:

  • Jasmine. Jasmine is planted mainly for its beautiful flowers and is enjoyed as a house-plant.
  • Rosemary.
  • Lucky bamboo.
  • Money plant.
  • Basil.
  • Peace lily.
  • Orchids.
  • Lavender.

Do plants have healing properties?

Plants with healing properties Several are edible (as detailed below) and none of them is poisonous. Aloe vera gel inside the leaves soothes and heals the skin, and extracts from the plant are used in everything from shaving cream to sun lotion. Both leaves and flowers are edible and can be used in salad.

What plant represents new beginnings?

houseplant Calathea

Why does the narrator destroy the marigolds?

How does Miss Lottie respond when Lizabeth destroys her marigolds?

In Eugenia Collier’s story “Marigolds,” Miss Lottie responds to Lizabeth’s destruction of her carefully, lovingly tended marigolds with numb sadness. With the marigolds destroyed, she no longer has the strength plant them again, and she lives out her days in barren dullness.

What does Lizabeth learn from her last visit Miss Lottie?

Elizabeth says that destroying the marigolds is her last act of childhood because it leads her to finally comprehend the rationale behind Miss Lottie’s seemingly cryptic habits. Through her new perspective, Elizabeth learns to refrain from superficial judgments, and she begins to have more empathy for others.

What does Lizabeth’s reaction to seeing Miss Lottie reveal about her?

Lizabeth’s reaction to seeing Miss Lottie reveals that Miss Lottie was just trying to create beauty in the middle of darkness and sadness. This also reveals that Lizabeth must have been bottling up her feelings and she just got to her breaking point.

Why did Lizabeth refer to the incident as the end of innocence?

Lizabeth explains that her innocence was lost at the very moment she discerned the truth. Innocence involves an unseeing acceptance of things at face value, an ignorance of the area below the surface.

Why is Elizabeth’s father angry and unhappy?

The night before she was very upset to hear her father cry and she realized how poor and hopeless her life was, so she wanted revenge, she was angry and took it out on Miss Lottie. Why did Lizabeth’s father cry? He was sad that he could not find a job during the Great Depression and take care of his family.

Who is Miss Lottie?

Miss Lottie is an old woman who has gone slightly mad, because she has lost a lot in life. John Burke is Miss Lotties’ mentally challenged son who sits on the porch with her all of the time.

What is the message of marigolds?

The main theme or message in the story “Marigolds” is the importance of empathy and compassion. In the story, Lizabeth is reflecting on a crossroads in her life, an incident that marked the change from child to woman.

How is Elizabeth affected by her relationship with her parents in marigolds?

How is Lizabeth affected by her relationship with her parents in “Marigolds”? Lizabeth is ashamed of her parents because they cannot provide a nice home for their family. Lizabeth loves her parents but she misses them because they are focused on working or job-hunting.

How do the events in water never hurt a man?

How do the events in “Water Never Hurt a Man” change John by the end of the story? He becomes afraid of his father’s fierceness with the men on the canal. He grows more suspicious of the men he meets along the canal. He becomes more confident in his ability to be a driver boy on the canal.

How does John’s father change from the start?

How does John’s father change from the start of “Water Never Hurt a Man” to the time they arrive at the locks? He is more confident in his maneuvering of the boat through the canal. He becomes more agitated that they will be late delivering the load of plows.

How does John change after the fight with the other driver boy?

The correct answer is John has gained a new confidence in himself and wants to continue through the locks. Explanation: John is now a braver man than he used to be, after the fight with the other driver boy.

What happened on the day the narrator said her life changed?

On the day when the narrator’s life changed, she had destroyed marigolds of Miss Lottie. Explanation: ‘Marigolds’ is a short story written by Eugenia Collier. The story is about narrator’s childhood, when she entered into womanhood from childhood, about the day when her life changed, meaning of life changed.

What motivates the children to go to Miss Lottie’s house to annoy her?

What is motivating the children to annoy Miss Lottie? The real reason they are motivating to do it because it is fun for them to annoy them. the text states “Our real fun and our real fear lay in Miss Lotty herself.” She is a poor old lady, yet they are a little afraid of her, which is exciting to them.

What does the narrator mean when she says she has planted marigolds?

When the narrator says that “I too have planted marigolds,” I think she means to convey that she understands the value of Miss Lottie’s marigolds. The narrator understands Miss Lottie’s attempt to create something beautiful, and has used marigolds herself to try and do so.

What’s the climax of marigolds?

In the climax of the story, Lizabeth destroys Miss Lottie’s marigolds in a fit of rage. She describes the hideous act as her last act of childhood and loss of innocence.

What does the narrator do that she later regrets in marigolds?

The narrator Lizabeth destroys Miss Lottie’s marigolds in a fit of childish rage.

Is it true that compassion and innocence Cannot exist together?

You can have compassion and innocence. Compassion is love and innocence is being pure and true. Thus, allowing compassion to begin.

Who said one Cannot have both compassion and innocence?
