What is the size of Megalodon?

What is the size of Megalodon?

between 15 and 18 metres

Are Megalodons extinct 2020?

A 2019 assessment moves the extinction date back to earlier in the Pliocene, 3.6 mya. Megalodon is now considered to be a member of the family Otodontidae, genus Otodus, as opposed to its previous classification into Lamnidae, genus Carcharodon.

What hunted Megalodon?

Mature megalodons likely did not have any predators, but newly birthed and juvenile individuals may have been vulnerable to other large predatory sharks, such as great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran), whose ranges and nurseries are thought to have overlapped with those of megalodon from the end of the Miocene and …

What animal would kill a Megalodon?

great white shark

Can a Megalodon kill a mosasaurus?

While a similar length, the Megalodon had a much more robust body and huge jaws built for devouring whales and other large marine mammals. A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle.

Can a mosasaurus kill a Spinosaurus?

Mosasaurus attacks Spinosaurus, but couldn’t land a hit until, he crush Spinosaurus onto the ocean floor and tosses him to the ice sheet above and crash into Spinosaurus.

What dinosaur can kill a Megalodon?

Animals like the Blue Whale and Aust Colossus would defeat a Megalodon. Livyatan could beat a Megalodon, and so on. How smart is the Megalodon?

What if the Megalodon shark fought the mosasaurus?

The megalodon opens its mouth and quickly chomps down on the mosasaur. The megalodon took quite a beating, more than it ever experienced before. Depending on how bad the bite is, the shark may bleed out. But if it manages to survive, it will continue on, being the one true apex predator of the ocean.

Is Godzilla bigger than the Megalodon?

Well, the largest Megalodon is about 20 m long. The smallest version of Godzilla is 55 m. Godzilla has an all but impenetrable hide, A regenerative healing factor, a nuclear ray and a nuclear pulse.

Is mosasaurus bigger than T Rex?

The Mosasaur Size Chart says that Mosasaurus is the largest mosasaur (like how I think), and compared to the T-Rex size, Mosasaurus is definitely bigger than both I-Rex and T-Rex. I think that it reached 16-18 meters (That’s about 55-60 feet, bigger than Spinosaurus, I-Rex, and T-Rex.)

What would happen if you were eaten by a shark?

Originally Answered: What happens to you if you are eaten alive by a shark? You die. Given the sharpness of teeth and bite strength of most sharks you would probably be long dead before any digestion started.

What animals can eat a human whole?

Although human beings can be attacked by many kinds of animals, man-eaters are those that have incorporated human flesh into their usual diet and actively hunt and kill humans. Most reported cases of man-eaters have involved lions, tigers, leopards, polar bears, and large crocodilians.

Has a whale shark ever killed a human?

These huge animals are not dangerous. Whale sharks have never attacked humans.

Can you survive inside a whale?

According to the man he stayed inside the whale for three days and three nights. “The only thing that kept me alive where the raw fish I ate and the light from my waterproof watch,”says the man.