What is the synonym for eagerness?

What is the synonym for eagerness?

Some common synonyms of eager are anxious, athirst, avid, and keen. While all these words mean “moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest,” eager implies ardor and enthusiasm and sometimes impatience at delay or restraint.

What is the similar word of enthusiasm?

Some common synonyms of enthusiasm are ardor, fervor, passion, and zeal. While all these words mean “intense emotion compelling action,” enthusiasm applies to lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity.

What is another word for excitement?


  • incitation,
  • incitement,
  • instigation,
  • provocation.

What is another word for excessive enthusiasm?

What is another word for overenthusiasm?

ardourUK ardorUS
feverishness mania
obsession obsessiveness
zeal passion
enthusiasm eagerness

What is an example of enthusiasm?

Enthusiasm is defined as a lively interest for someone or something. An example of enthusiasm is a child’s great happiness at starting his first ceramics class. Intense or eager interest; zeal; fervor. …

What does serenity mean?

The definition of serenity is a state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. Achieving this positive state of mind means you won’t feel as troubled by life’s ups and downs. While addiction often brings chaos, a loss of control and emotional turmoil, serenity will help you stay calm and true to yourself.

What is the spiritual meaning of serenity?

Serenity is the first virtue mentioned in the Serenity Prayer and is presented as the primary goal. Serenity comes from the root, serene, meaning calm, tranquil, peaceful, and clear/ unclouded. Serenity is a state of mental calm and clarity, where you feel at peace in the present moment, able to focus on what matters.

Is Serenity a feeling?

The definition of serenity is a feeling of calm and peace. An example of serenity is the feeling of calm after relaxing time in a quiet park. The state or quality of being serene. The quality or state of being serene; calmness; tranquillity.

How do you gain serenity?

If you’d like to experience a more peaceful life, try these 7 habits of serenity:

  1. Create a calming morning ritual. Getting up early is important.
  2. Notice how you respond to stress.
  3. Create healthier responses to stress.
  4. It’s not personal.
  5. Feel gratitude.
  6. Only do one thing at a time.
  7. Minimize the noise in your life.

What does the Bible say about serenity?

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” “Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.” “May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.”

What does sweet serenity mean?

“Sweet” meaning: pleasing, fresh, and gracious, and “Serenity” meaning: serene, tranquil, and calm.

Why Serenity is important in our daily life?

Actually, serenity is more than just an escape from work and family life. It promotes personal and professional growth by providing opportunity for self-exploration and self-understanding and by restoring energy.

Why do we need tranquility?

It helps you relax your body and nerves. The healing energies of the body work unhindered. Being peaceful enables you not to be swayed by events, hardships and difficulties, and to maintain inner poise, clear judgment and common sense in such situations. Inner peace eliminates negative, futile and restless thinking.

What does tranquility mean?

English Language Learners Definition of tranquility : the quality or state of being quiet and peaceful.

What is an example of tranquility?

Tranquility is defined as a state of peace or calm. An example of tranquility is sitting in a quiet meadow on a beautiful day. The quality or state of being tranquil; serenity.

Is Tranquil positive or negative?

adjective. free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place. free from or unaffected by disturbing emotions; unagitated; serene; placid: a tranquil life.

What is a tranquil person called?

The word serene describes the look of a person who is calm and unworried. For more words related to being calm, see the article at relaxed.

What is a good synonym for tranquil?

Some common synonyms of tranquil are calm, peaceful, placid, and serene.

What do the words tranquil and rare signify?

Answer Expert Verified The figure of speech used in the expression ” life in tower is tranquil and rare ” is alliteration. Explanation: Alliteration is the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together, as ‘She sang a song of sixpence.

Is Amanda really sulking?

Answer: (a) Amanda is not sulking. She just doesn’t care about instructions given to ber as she is lost in a world of her own.