What is the synonyms for still?

What is the synonyms for still?

Synonyms of ‘still’

  • motionless, calm, peaceful, restful, serene, stationary, tranquil, undisturbed.
  • silent, hushed, quiet.

How do you use still?

We use still to show that something continues up to a time in the past, present or future. It goes in front of the main verb: Even when my father was 65, he still enjoyed playing tennis. It’s past midnight but she’s still doing her homework.

How do you use still in a sentence?

Still sentence example

  1. It is still a famous school.
  2. When they turned around, Alex was still on the horse.
  3. She still held Jonathan’s hand.
  4. When Dorothy recovered her senses they were still falling, but not so fast.
  5. In fact, it was ludicrous – but it still hurt.
  6. The throng stood still and waited.
  7. Still , you like it, yes?

Have still meaning?

The “have still to” form means that the action is required and as yet not performed. The “still have to” form means that the requirement for the action is still in force. It does not say whether the action has been performed in the current instance. Example: You cannot go to your party yet.

Is this still on meaning?

it can mean that something is still going to happen [News] Hey you!

Is still left Meaning?

If there is a certain amount of something left, it remains when the rest has gone or been used.

Is left or was left?

2 Answers. “The book has/had been left untouched for many years” is the correct form in this context. The ”is left” form is more suitable with a reference context, for instance where the speaker is narrating something about the future. Such forms fit mostly in prose and fiction.

Have been left Meaning?

The word “left” here means “ended up” or “eventually”.

What are the two meanings of left?

If you are holding a compass and facing north, the direction to the west of you is also to your left. Left is the opposite of “right.” When left is an adjective, it has a completely different meaning: something that’s left on the table, or remaining there, will probably be thrown away by your waiter.

What is the meaning of left side?

1The position or region directly to the left of a person or object of reference. 2The left-hand side of the whole or a part of the body of a person, animal, or other object of reference.

What is this word left?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body in which the heart is mostly located her left leg. b : done with the left hand a left hook to the jaw. c : located nearer to the left hand than to the right a man’s left chest.

What is the past perfect of leave?

‘leave’ is the model of its conjugation….Perfect tenses.

past perfectⓘ pluperfect
you had left
he, she, it had left
we had left
you had left

Has missed or had missed?

“I missed you” is in simple past tense and means that the missing happened at some point in the past, as in, “I missed you when you were gone.” “I have missed you” is in present perfect tense and means the missing is in the past and is still going on, as in, “I have missed you ever since you left.”

Which is correct miss you or missing you?

“Missing you” is an ellipsis of “I am missing you,” and is therefore the present continuous tense. “I miss you” is in the simple present tense, but in usage it functions exactly the same as the present continuous tense, unless the context specifies the simple present tense meaning. Ex.

How do you make past perfect tense?

To form the past perfect tense you use the past tense of the verb “to have,” which is had, and add it to the past participle of the main verb. For example: subject + had + past participle = past perfect tense.

How do you know your past perfect?

The past perfect refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past. It does not matter which event is mentioned first – the tense makes it clear which one happened first. when I arrived in the office.

Had received Vs have received?

“I have received” is used,, when you have received something just then or a short while back. “Had received” is used, when you received something some days , months or years back. Though both are in the Past Tense form, the usage is according to , when you have received.

Has been or was been?

“Has been” is used for the present perfect continuous tense. This form is used to refer to something which had started in the past and is still continuing in the present tense. “Was” is used to denote the past continuous form. This form is used to refer to some action which was going on at some time in the past.

Was being or is being?

Been is a past participle used in the present and past perfect tenses….Been vs. Being.

Being is a present participle indicating progressive tenses. It follows the auxiliary verbs is, are, am, was, or were.

What is the meaning of had not been?

if it had not been for idiom. : in the absence of (something or someone) : without.

Was doing and had been doing?

“Had been doing” is used in past perfect continuous tense. It tells that work/action was started in past and still continued in present. While, “Was doing” is used in past continuous tense which shows that work/action was happening in the past .

Was working or had been working?

“I was working on that soup all day! I HAVE BEEN working all day is past tense, or formal past. I WAS working the entire day is the same. I HAD BEEN working on that soup all that day, would also constitute a sufficient past tense way of interpreting the same as above, for example.

What was I doing or what I was doing?

I think “What was I doing” is the past tense of “What am I doing”. And “What were I doing” is in a subjunctive mood? Subjunctive mood is not used for the verb that inverts with the subject in a direct question. “What was I doing?” is correct.

Have did or had did?

As you know had is the past participle form and did is the simple past. So normally had is used in past perfect or continious. Exg- I had completed that work. I had been going to that place.

Do I have or did I have?

First of all, did is the past tense form of the verb to do (which is also used as an auxiliary verb to help form questions in English). When you say that you did something, you’re talking about something that happened in the past. Do is the present tense form of the verb to do.

Does anyone have or has anyone got?

Anyone is a third-person, singular indefinite pronoun, but does always goes with have. “Has anyone got a pen?” and “Who here has got a pen?” are also correct.