What is the term for a literary device that attributes human traits to objects?

What is the term for a literary device that attributes human traits to objects?

Anthropomorphism is a literary device that assigns human characteristics to nonhuman entities like animals or inanimate objects.

What are two types of figurative language?

Types of Figurative Language

  • Simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things and uses the words “like” or “as” and they are commonly used in everyday communication.
  • Metaphor. A metaphor is a statement that compares two things that are not alike.
  • Hyperbole.
  • Personification.
  • Synecdoche.
  • Onomatopoeia.

Why would an author use metaphor?

Metaphor, which allows writers to convey vivid imagery that transcends literal meanings, creates images that are easier to understand and respond to than literal language. Metaphorical language activates the imagination, and the writer is more able to convey emotions and impressions through metaphor.

How do writers use metaphors?

A metaphor is a literary device writers use to make their writing more evocative. Without going into wordy explanations, a writer can use the figurative language of a metaphor for illustrative purposes or to highlight the similarities between two different ideas, activities, or objects.

What figure of speech is each thigh was a ton of meat?


What does Travis tell Eckels is the best way to kill a dinosaur?

what does Travis tell Eckels is the best way to kill a dinosaur? shoot them in the eyes then go to the brains.

What causes Eckels to step off the path?

“This is too much for me to get hold of.” An angry Travis instructs Eckels to get back on the time ship and hide there. But, because he is so frightened, Eckels steps off the path. Upon his return to Safari Inc., Eckels surprisingly finds things greatly altered.

What is ironic about Eckels changing the future by stepping on a butterfly?

Eckels stepped on a butterfly which changed the future. Stepping on a butterfly caused a butterfly effect in the future. It caused effects to lead up to one changed future. What did Travis do to Eckels?

How does the character of Eckels change throughout the story?

Eckels is a dynamic character because he had changed throughout the story. He is confident in the beginning when he was going to hunt the dinosaur, but then he terrified when he actually had to hunt it down. He is mean and grumpy throughout the story. “Eckels flushed angrily.

What type of character is Eckels?


What kind of character is Eckels?

Eckels Character Analysis. The protagonist of “A Sound of Thunder,” Eckels is a hunter who enjoys exotic safaris and decides that traveling back in time to shoot a dinosaur is the logical next adventure for him. At the Time Safari, Inc.