What is the theme in broken chain?

What is the theme in broken chain?

The theme of the story is true beauty is on the inside not always on the outside. The story takes place in Sacramento, California. “Do you think money grows on trees.” It starts out with Alfonso who is about 13 year old boy who is beginning to take notice in his looks and how other people see him.

Which sentence from broken chain best expresses a theme?

Answer:The sentence from “Broken Chain” which best expresses a theme related to wanting more than one has is, “Alfonso didn’t want to be the handsomest kid at school, but he was determined to be better looking than average.”

What causes Alfonso and Ernie to argue in broken chains?

In the story, the conflict between the brothers was due to the idea of Ernie believing Alfonso’s “girl” Sandra as the very same girl that stood him up. He wanted to get even with her which left his younger brother enraged and thus began the argument.

How does description in Broken Chain help develop the theme?

Answer: The description helps readers understand how Alfonso’s concern about his appearance is affecting him. These descriptions contribute to the theme that the way you look does not always reflect who you want to be.

What is the main plot of broken chain?

Main Plot 2 Ernie: The Brother who is jealous upset, mad that Alfonso gets a girl but not him. In the story “The Broken Chain” is about a boy (Alfonso) who was having problems preparing for his first date. After he met Sandra Alfonso realized that Sandra liked him for who he was and how he looked.

What is the story broken chain about?

“Broken Chain” takes place about 25 years ago in a town in California. Alfonso, a seventh grader, dislikes his appearance. He meets Sandra and asks her to go bike riding with him. Sandra’s bicycle has a flat tire, so he offers to borrow his older brother’s, Ernie, bike.

How do Alfonso and Sandra meet broken chain?

How did Alfonso meet Sandra? He stopped by to save her brother who was hanging upside down on a barbed wire fence. He had some classes with her in middle school and sat next to her. She met him one day while the boys were pitching nickels.

What does broken chain symbolize?

The symbol of broken chain signified “Freedom”. It represented freedom from slavery. With regard to the French Revolution, the broken chain symbolised freedom for the peasants and the third estate, that is, normal people as opposed to the aristocracy.

What genre is the story 7th grade?

Seventh grade Lesson Learning the genre of Historical Fiction Story with “Names”

Who wrote broken chain?

Ron Tanmer

What does a chain tattoo mean?

Chain tattoos are often looked at as a rather dark and negative tattoo image. For many people chains represent oppression, slavery and defeat, although they can symbolize the opposite also. A broken chain is an image that expresses release and freedom, both mentally and physically.

What did the word the broken chain means in France?

It signifies freedom from slavery. In terms of the French Revolution, the broken chain signified freedom for the peasants and the third estate i.e. normal people as opposed to the aristocracy.

What did the meaning of the symbols represent in German class 10?

(i) The broken chains represent freedom,freedom from slavery. (ii) The breast plate with eagle on it represents the German Empire and its strength (the eagle is a strong bird). (vii) The rays of the rising sun symbolise the beginning of a new era as a united German nation.

What did bundle of rods stand for?

Answer: Fasces symbolise summary power and jurisdiction. Traditional Roman fasces were bundles of birch rods tied together with a red ribbon to form a cylinder around an axe.

What is the symbol of royal power in France?

The symbol of Hercules was first adopted by the Old Regime to represent the monarchy. Hercules was an ancient Greek hero who symbolized strength and power. The symbol was used to represent the sovereign authority of the King over France during the reign of the Bourbon monarchs.

What is a symbol of strength?

21 Lion. Known as the “king of the jungle,” the lion is a symbol of strength, royalty and authority.

What did best style symbolism?

Answer. Answer: The Bastille stormed by an armed mob of Parisians in the opening days of the french revolution was a symbol of the despotism of the ruling Bourbon monarchy and held an important place in the ideology of the Revolution.

Which color represents France?

Bleu de France (Blue of France) is a colour traditionally used to represent France. Blue has been used in the heraldry of the French monarchy since at least the 12th century, with the golden fleurs-de-lis of the kings always set on a blue (heraldic “azure”) background.

Is Noir a color?

Noir — Black In addition to the simple description of color, noir (pronunciation) can be a noun for a black person. Un noir thus means a black man and une noire is a black woman.

What Colour is French blue?

This is a beautiful smokey, grey blue. It is the colour I associate with the cloth used for the uniforms of French infantrymen in the 19th century. It would have been based on indigo the highly prized organic dye.

What does blue symbolize in France?

One popular interpretation suggests the colors may have also symbolized important people in French history. Blue symbolizes Saint Martin (Martin of Tours), a Christian saint with a shrine in Paris. Red symbolizes Saint Denis, a martyr and saint who was the Bishop of Paris.

Is French blue warm or cool?

Ultramarine’s Mixing Qualities In watercolour, Schmincke and Daniel Smith offer both Ultramarine Blue and French Ultramarine. In both ranges, French Ultramarine is slightly warmer (redder) and more granulating, whereas Ultramarine Blue is cooler (greener) and less granulating.

What is the most popular color in France?


What is the theme in broken chain?

What is the theme in broken chain?

The theme of the story is true beauty is on the inside not always on the outside. The story takes place in Sacramento, California. “Do you think money grows on trees.” It starts out with Alfonso who is about 13 year old boy who is beginning to take notice in his looks and how other people see him.

Which is a theme in broken chain quizlet?

Which is a theme in “Broken Chain”? Appearance is different from reality. In “Broken Chain,” Alfonso tries to straighten his crooked teeth.

Which sentence from broken chain best expresses a theme related to wanting more than one has?

Answer:The sentence from “Broken Chain” which best expresses a theme related to wanting more than one has is, “Alfonso didn’t want to be the handsomest kid at school, but he was determined to be better looking than average.”

Which statement expresses a theme that is found in both escape and to live quizlet?

Answer: “This statement is the theme of both: Life’s distractions can make it difficult to know yourself. Explanation: Both “Escape” and “To Live” try to find reasons for the condition of life as it is and as the author has found it to be for themselves too.”

Which adjective is the most precise for describing a character in broken chain?


What does a broken chain symbolize?

The symbol of broken chain represents freedom. It signifies Freedom from slavery. In terms of French revolution, the broken chain signified freedom for the peasants and the third estate that is normal people as opposed to the aristocracy.

What are examples of descriptive language?

The four most common forms of descriptive language are adjectives, adverbs, similes, and metaphors: Adjectives are words that describe what you can sense about a noun including sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and emotion.

What’s a good description?

Good description is sensory. It makes the reader “see things.” A salty kiss, a dancer’s leap. Readers need to “see” what is being described or experience it through their senses. Good description often uses metaphor and other figurative language.

How do you describe the feeling of being touched?

The definition of touch is to feel or handle with fingers, hands, toes, etc.; to come in contact with someone or something. It is one of the five senses that communicates texture, temperature and density to the brain through feeling….

Touch (Feel) Adjectives
fuzzy sensitive wooly

How can I open my sixth sense?

Consider these ways to work with and sharpen your sixth sense:

  1. Take time out. We live in a busy, noisy world.
  2. Listen to your gut.
  3. Follow the signs.
  4. Take note of when you experience your sixth sense.
  5. Guess!
  6. Pay attention to your dreams and visions.
  7. Write it down!
  8. Pay attention to your feelings.

Which body sense is most important?

Humans have five senses: the eyes to see, the tongue to taste, the nose to smell, the ears to hear, and the skin to touch. By far the most important organs of sense are our eyes. We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight.

What is our strongest sense?


What is the least important sense?

As one of the five major senses, you could argue that our sense of smell is the least important. Sight, hearing, touch, and taste may poll better than smell, but try telling that to someone who has lost their sense of smell entirely.