What is the theme of the story of the fishermen?

What is the theme of the story of the fishermen?

The main theme of the story ‘The Fisherman and His Wife’ is that people must not be greedy and should happy of what they have. Otherwise, everything can be lost due to their excessive greed.

What is the climax in The Fisherman and His Wife?

Climax – The Point of No Return Still not satisfied, the wife racks her brains all night long trying to think of what could be better than being pope.

Which sentence best states the central idea of the horse and the loaded donkey?

Answer: The sentence, ‘when the donkey horse refuses to share the load of donkey, the donkey died illustrates the central idea of the story “the horse and the loaded donkey”. Explanation: The donkey had to bear the entire load initially in the story.

Which is a theme of the fisherman’s wife?

Answer. The main theme of the story ‘The Fisherman and His Wife’ is that people must not be greedy and should happy of what they have. Otherwise, everything can be lost due to their excessive greed.

Which sentence best states the central idea of the Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf?

Which sentence best states the central idea of “The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf”? A boy afraid to be alone pretends a wolf is attacking the sheep because he is bored and lonely. The fable teaches that if a person lies once, no one will believe what he or she says.

What is the theme of the Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf?

The moral of the story is: There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth. The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf is one of the famous Aesop’s Fables. A “fable” is a short story, typically with animals as characters, telling a moral or lesson.

Why does the wife become angry with the fisherman?

She is angry with the fish for making her a poor king. She is not satisfied just being king. Her kingdom has no people in it, and she wants to rule over people.

What is the moral of the story The Fisherman and His Wife?

The tale of the fisherman and his wife is a fairytale about a wife that asked the impossible from her husband. He caught a magical fish, and she asked him to let her live. The moral of the story is that greedy people will never be satisfied and that they equalize they desire to have something with pricey things.

Why does the fisherman shake his head at the wealthy man and the shopkeeper?

Why does the fisherman shake his head at the wealthy man and the shopkeeper? He does not care about other people’s problems at that moment. He does not think that the men should be arguing in the street. He does not agree with the wealthy man’s argument about the merchandise.

How does the fisherman feel about his wife’s request?

How does the fisherman feel about his wife’s request? He thinks they will be unhappy as kings. He thinks she will be a bad king. He appreciates her motivation.

Why did the fisherman put the golden fish back to the sea?

On his return to his hovel, his wife tells him that he should have asked the magical creature to grant him a wish, and so the fisherman returns to the sea to call out to the fish and ask that the lives of the impoverished couple should be transformed – but the better life that ensues is not quite enough for them.

What did the fisherman do each day?

Every day the fisherman went out fishing, and he fished, and he fished. Once he was sitting there fishing and looking into the clear water, and he sat, and he sat.

Who wrote The Fisherman and His Wife?

Jacob Grimm

What did the fisherman say to the magician?

Dad Jokes on Twitter: “What did the fisherman say to the magician? Pick a Cod, any Cod.”

What does Fisherman’s Wife mean?

fishwife n (pl -wives) a coarse or bad-tempered woman with a loud voice.

How did the fishermen go to the sea?

Answer. A commercial fisherman, also known as a fisher, uses equipment like nets, fishing rods, and traps, to catch fish and other marine life that will be consumed by humans or used as animal feed or bait. Some work as members of large crews on big boats in deep water.

Which is the most difficult time for the fishermen?

Fishermen go through a difficult time during the monsoons. Explanation: Fishermen go through a difficult time during the monsoons because the monsoon period is the breeding time of the fishes and the continuous rainfall does not allow them to go for fishing for few months.

What place is sweeter than land to the fishermen?

Answer. According to the poetess, Sarojini Naidu, the sea is sweeter than land to the fishermen.

What will the fishermen do when they hear the seagull’s call?

Answer. When the fishermen go fishing they have to be set free. in the track of the seagull’s call; The sea is our mother, the cloud is our brother, The fishermen take the sea as their mother and the waves as their friend.

Why are the fishermen not afraid of the sea?

Why are the fishermen not afraid of the sea? Answer: The fishermen think that they are the sons of the sea.

What places do the fishermen love on land?

Answer. On land the fishermen love the account glade, the mango grow and the beach on the full moon night.

Why do the fishermen consider the sea to be their mother?

Sea is considered the mother because it feeds them and helps them to sustain their life. Similarly, clouds are their brothers because they guide the fishermen while the waves are companions because they keep moving with them.

Why do the fishermen need to track the seagull’s call?

The track of the sea-gull’s call is the track by which the sea-gull has gone in search of fish. By following the sea-gull’s track, the fishermen can easily get big catches of fish. For the fishermen, being on the sea is like being in their family.

Who holds the storm by hair?

Coromandel Fishers Sarojini Naidu

What does the phrase low sky mates with the sea mean?

It is written ‘where the low sky mates with the sea.’ That would mean that the sky touches the sea.

Why are the Nets to be gathered?

Why are the nets to be gathered? Answer: The fishermen put their nets on the sand to dry. The fishes in the sea are the wealth to the fishermen.

Who is the poet addressing in the poem?

Answer. Sarojini Naidu is the poet addressing in the poem ‘coromandel fishers’.

Why is the wind called clever by the poet?

Answer. Explanation: Explanation:Wind is called cleaver because it make fun of weaklings and doesn’t disturb the strong people.