What is thesaurus tool?

What is thesaurus tool?

The Thesaurus is a software tool that is used in the Microsoft Word document to look up (find) synonyms (words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) for the selected word.

How do you find a thesaurus in Word?

In Microsoft Office Word you can look up a word quickly if you right-click anywhere in your document, and then click Synonym on the shortcut menu. Let’s have a look at the thesaurus in Word now: click Review > Proofing > Thesaurus. The Research pane opens on the right hand side of the workspace.

What is a synonym for glossary?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for glossary. dictionary, lexicon, wordbook.

What tool provides a list of synonyms?

Thesaurus tool

What is the antonym of tool?

What is the opposite of tool?

conman swindler
cheat fraud
cheater con
defrauder hoaxer
racketeer deceiver

What is another word for lovely?

Some common synonyms of lovely are beautiful, comely, fair, handsome, and pretty. While all these words mean “exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure,” lovely is close to beautiful but applies to a narrower range of emotional excitation in suggesting the graceful, delicate, or exquisite.

How do you say someone is lovely?


  1. You’re very beautiful!
  2. You’re very pretty!
  3. You look as pretty as always!
  4. You’re so adorable!
  5. You look drop-dead gorgeous!
  6. You have the most beautiful eyes! (or another feature that you like e.g. smile, nose, lips etc.)
  7. You have the most beautiful smile!
  8. You have the most beautiful lips!

Is lovely a good compliment?

Adding the word lovely softens the direct flirtation. I am glad you asked. I like to use lovely in my compliments with women because it comes across more respectful. Adding the word lovely softens the direct flirtation.

How do you tell a girl she’s cute without saying it?

Don’t tell her she’s cute, ask her how her day was. Compliment her specifically, like, for example if her skirt is cute then compliment her skirt. If you like her smile then say ‘i like your smile’. If you say you’re cute out of the blue for me that’s pretty weird tho ahaha but it’s just my personal preference.

Who is a lovely person?

A lovely person is someone that you might love if you saw her or him. She is such a lovely girl. If a thing is lovely, seeing it makes you feel good.

Can you say lovely to a man?

There’s nothing particularly wrong with telling a man he’s lovely when you think about it but it can be something that some men dislike. It’s similar to calling someone “nice” which is widely taken as an insincere as it suggests you do not know what to say but at the same time, don’t want to be rude.

What is the difference between lovely and beautiful?

When used as adjectives, beautiful means attractive and possessing beauty, whereas lovely means beautiful. Lovely is also noun with the meaning: an attractive, lovely person, especially a (professional) beauty. Lovely is also adverb with the meaning: in a lovely fashion or manner.

What does admirable mean in English?

1 : deserving the highest esteem : excellent an admirable achievement.

What is the synonyms for admire?

other words for admire

  • applaud.
  • appreciate.
  • commend.
  • extol.
  • honor.
  • laud.
  • prize.
  • treasure.

What is a admire?

transitive verb. 1 : to feel respect and approval for (someone or something) : to regard with admiration They all admired her courage.

What means excellent?

Something excellent is very good, great, or high quality: this is one of the best compliments around. Words like extraordinary and exceptional are similar in meaning to excellent. This is a strong word used mainly for things, people, and actions that are much better than average.

What is a better word than excellent?

sterling, superlative, great, good, exemplary, exceptional, skillful, admirable, outstanding, magnificent, superb, accomplished, first-rate, attractive, finest, fine, distinguished, exquisite, capital, champion.

What is a better word for perfect?

Synonyms. unflawed idyllic unbroken utopian flawless complete pluperfect impeccable perfectible down pat ideal undefiled perfection down immaculate ne plus ultra unmarred mastered unblemished uncorrupted faultless mint clear clean idealised exact errorless cold consummate flawlessness unmutilated idealized.

What’s a big word for excellent?

What is another word for excellent?

exceptional brilliant
exquisite fine
magnificent outstanding
distinguished exemplary
extraordinary incredible

What is the verb form of excellent?

Word family (noun) excellence Excellency (adjective) excellent (verb) excel (adverb) excellently.

What’s a synonym for elite?

nounprivileged class, government. elite. gentility. gentry. haut monde.

What is the adjective for excellent?

excellent. Of the highest quality; splendid. Exceptionally good of its kind. Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality.

What is the noun of excellent?

Answer: EXCELLENCE. Explanation: It is the noun form of excellent….

What are two synonyms for extraordinary?

other words for extraordinary

  • bizarre.
  • curious.
  • fantastic.
  • marvelous.
  • odd.
  • outstanding.
  • remarkable.
  • unheard-of.

What are the seven types of adjectives?

7 Types of English Adjectives That Every ESL Student Must Know

  • Descriptive. A descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word “adjective.” Descriptive adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns.
  • Quantitative. Quantitative adjectives describe the quantity of something.
  • Demonstrative.
  • Possessive.
  • Interrogative.
  • Distributive.
  • Articles.