What is traffic called in French?

What is traffic called in French?

French Translation. circulation. More French words for traffic. le trafic noun.

What does traffic jam mean?

: a situation in which a long line of vehicles on a road have stopped moving or are moving very slowly stuck in a traffic jam.

What is another word for traffic jam?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for traffic-jam, like: gridlock, jam, bottleneck, congestion, rush-hour, traffic congestion, traffic tie-up, roadblock, logjam, snarl-up and blockage.

What is the opposite of jam?

What is the opposite of jam?

allow continue
refuse release
surrender uncompress
unfasten untie
yield let go

What was the worst traffic jam ever?

The China National Highway 110 traffic jam was a recurring massive traffic jam that began to form on August 13, 2010, mostly on China National Highway 110 (G110) and Beijing–Tibet expressway (G6), in Hebei and Inner Mongolia.

Does China have 50 lane highways?

In Beijing, China, thousands of commuters were trapped on the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway on Wednesday, China’s The People’s Daily reported. The massive traffic jam was caused by a new checkpoint that caused 50 lanes to merge into 20 lanes, according to The People’s Daily reported.

What is the longest red light in history?

And away we go!! — The longest traffic light at a regular intersection in America is in West Milford, New Jersey. It stays red for five minutes and 33 seconds.

What was the longest traffic jam in history?

The longest traffic jam in the world was recorded in Beijing, China. 3 days to do 62 miles. Well people, were trapped for a whopping 3 days, to do a 62 miles (100 kilometers) journey, in a world class, world first, Guinness book world record traffic jam, that lasted for a mind-blowing 12 days.

Which city has worst traffic in world?

More than 380 cities saw traffic levels fall in 2020, compared with the previous year. Moscow now tops the world’s most-congested list.

What is the busiest road in the world?

Interstate 405

What US city has the worst traffic?

Following Boston on the list of U.S. cities with the worst traffic last year were Chicago, Philadelphia and New York….Photos You Should See – Oct. 2020.

Congestion Rank Metro Area Hours Lost to Congestion
1 Boston, Massachusetts 149
2 Chicago, Illinois 145
3 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 142
4 New York City, New York 140

What States has the worst traffic?

The top 10 worst states to drive in are:

  • Hawaii.
  • California.
  • Washington.
  • Maryland.
  • Delaware.
  • Rhode Island.
  • Pennsylvania.
  • New Hampshire.

What country has the worst traffic?

Bogotá, Colombia, topped this year’s list of the most traffic-congested cities, with drivers on average losing about 191 hours – nearly eight days – each year in congestion.

What are the busiest interstates in the US?

Los Angeles’ section of I-405 serves an estimated 379,000 vehicles per day, making it the busiest interstate in any American city. Texas came in second, with people driving more than 55.7 billion miles on its interstates, followed by Florida at 34.7 billion miles and Ohio at 31.4 billion miles.

What is the most Travelled road in America?

Route 66 may be the most iconic path for an east-to-west road trip. But the I-80 takes the crown as the best interstate travel route through the middle of the USA, passing 11 states and 2,902 miles.

What is the most traveled road in America?

Interstate 90

What is the least traveled interstate?

Alaska State Route 11, also known as the James W. Dalton Highway, is the least traveled road in the United States.

What is the shortest interstate in America?

1.06 miles – I-375, Michigan. The nation’s (current) shortest signed interstate.

Does i70 go through the Rockies?

Interstate 70 (I-70) is a transcontinental Interstate Highway in the United States, stretching from Cove Fort, Utah, to Baltimore, Maryland. In western Colorado, the highway connects the metropolitan areas of Grand Junction and Denver via a route through the Rocky Mountains.

Is there an interstate in Hawaii?

Interstate H-1 (abbreviated H-1) is the longest and busiest Interstate Highway in the US state of Hawaii. The highway is located on the island of O’ahu. Despite the number, this is an east–west highway; the ‘H’-series (for Hawaii) numbering reflects the order in which routes were funded and built.

Why are there no interstate highways in Hawaii?

The Hawaii Omnibus Act, which President Eisenhower signed on July 12, 1960, removed the limitation in Federal-aid highway law that the Interstate System be designated only within the “continental United States” and provided for the regular apportionment of Interstate Construction (IC) funds to the State.

What are highways called in Hawaii?


What is traffic called in French?

What is traffic called in French?

French Translation. circulation. More French words for traffic. le trafic noun.

What is the meaning of the French word moi?

me, it’s me, speaking

Is enclave a French word?

English speakers borrowed “enclave” from French in the 19th century.

Can you kill Mr House without losing karma?

Like someone else said, he’s listed as neutral in the G.E.C.K so technically his death shouldn’t affect Karma but it does for whatever reason. Because its unnecessary; you could just leave him exposed to die eventually.

Can I help yes man and the NCR?

You can work for them at the same time, but you have to navigate certain portions towards the end very carefully, as to not anger the NCR. When it comes down to the very end though, you have to pick one over the other. There’s just no way around it.

Should I side with Mr House or yes man?

Yes Man is the better decision considering of course that your courier is a good person. Mr. House is obsessed with his vision and will kill anyone who he feels stands in his way. For example, when he took over Vegas he killed the people who had been living there, or forced them to leave with the exception of vault 21.

What happens if you don’t kill Mr House?

If the Courier decides to kill Mr. House, they will receive the note A tragedy has befallen all mankind, and the quest The House Has Gone Bust! will instantly be started and failed. Once the Courier has killed Mr. House, it is time to meet Yes Man.

Is Mr House the good guy?

That said, while Mr House isn’t evil IMO, he’s not the best pick. If you look at his plans and goals, he basically intends to become the Enlightened Despot, the Philosopher King who rules wisely, but absolutely. This is a nice vision, but even the most enlightened despotism is still despotism.

Is it better to kill or disable Mr House?

You can remove House’s access to his systems without killing him… well, without killing him straight away. It will kill him eventually, and he’ll spend the intervening time locked in a metal coffin with no access to the outside world.

At what point should I kill Mr House?

If you’re okay with taking Yes-Man’s path, you can basically wait until the very end to kill Mr. House. There is no need to take him out any sooner than the very absolute end. The Legion and NCR, respectively, will want him out of the picture much sooner.

How do I beat Mr House for the NCR?

Activate the terminal inside and ride the secret elevator to House’s life support chamber. Once inside the chamber, you will see Mr. House’s statis pod. Using the nearby terminal, you can either sterilize the pod to kill House, or open the pod and kill him personally.

Should you keep Mr house alive?

It will have no effect either way. The only thing that I noticed is that he gives you a little speech before you go in if he is still alive/connected. It’s just a blank screen if you killed/disabled him. The legion will not know what you do down there no matter what you do.

Is Mr House immortal?

Probably not immortal as his body will give out entirely one day, but no hinted or explicit limit is given as long as his chamber remains sealed.

What happens if I give Mr house the chip?

He gives it back to you. So you can choose to disable him later. There is also a legion quest to disable him, and a yes man quest to disable him.

Can I give Mr House The chip then kill him?

If you refuse to give him the chip, he kills you. I even tried going into his control room, but there was no option to disable him. You just open his “coffin” and kill him, and then the sercuritrons kill you as you come out.

What happens if you don’t give Mr House the platinum chip?

Upon refusing to give Mr. House the Platinum Chip, you’ve basically sealed his fate. There’s no turning back now.

Should you give the chip to Mr House?

Yeah, go ahead. The Platinum Chip never actually leaves your inventory once you get it from Benny or Caesar even if you do upgrade the Securitrons at the Bunker, so you can use it to kill House at anytime.

Can you give the platinum chip to NCR?

There is no way to give the chip to the NCR.

Should I destroy the Securitron army?

There is no real benefit in destroying the securitron army. Doing so will permanently lock the Courier out of siding with Mr. House.

Can you give New Vegas to the NCR?

You can’t actually join them. You can unlock their safe house and be idolized and stuff, but you can’t join them. in the storyline, if you get popular with the NCR they will send someone to you after you leave the lucky 38. you need a good NCR rep BEFORE entering the lucky 38 for this.

How do I raise my reputation with the NCR?

Try doing quests for them or kill some legion soldiers. Every so many legion soldiers you kill give you a little good reputation. Go talk to major dhatri at McCarren and do his bounties on fiends if you want it raised a lot.

Should you kill Benny in New Vegas?

You absolutely don’t have to kill him. If you don’t kill him he runs to Caesar who crucifies him, but even then you can free him and he’ll leave the Mojave completely. You can also do the NCR path, which never requires the platinum chip.

How do you gain fame with the NCR?

You will get NCR fame and talk with Major Dhatri in camp. He will give you a mission named Three-Card Bounty. Kill 3 Fiend leader and take their head and talk with Major Dhatri you will get NCR fame again and talk with Carrie Boyd you will get an unmarked quest named “Silus Treatment”.

Where does Boone go when dismissed?

They’ll go back to a designated spot. In Boone’s case, he’ll go back to his motel room.

How do you make the NCR not hate you?

Go through the gates and talk to Crocker inside the Embassy. Doing so will remove all negative reputation with the NCR. Fair warning, if you don’t plan to side with them, then just shoot them.

Where do I get NCR Ranger armor?

This armor can be found on NCR Veteran Rangers throughout the game in areas occupied by the NCR (e.g. Camp Golf, the NCR Ranger Safehouse, Ranger Station Bravo, Camp Forlorn Hope, etc.) or if the Courier is labeled a terrorist by the NCR, as there will be ranger kill-squads sent to eliminate them.

Can you become an NCR Ranger?

However, it is possible to get hold of the NCR Ranger combat armor or patrol armor and dress as one, but there’s no specific bonuses for doing so (and the usual results associated with wearing faction armour). And don’t forget the signature pistol: the Ranger Sequoia. Highly active question.

How do I get NCR veteran armor without killing?

There is a way. Once your status with the NCR is Liked or Idolized, go to Camp McCarran and talk to Colonel Hsu inside the main building. He will provide a key for the NCR safehouse which lies south of Repconn Headquarters. Within is the Ranger Combat Armor.