What is transformation in scary stories?

What is transformation in scary stories?

The transformation implies a change. In literature, you can find a transformation when an object passes from a state A to a state B. For example, in a horror story a person can go from being the friend of the protagonist to being possessed. The transformation in the horror stories is unexpected.

Why does a character change?

THE CHARACTER REACTS TO AN IMPETUS: The character receives an impetus to change. THE CHARACTER ENTERS A NEW WORLD: The character comes in contact with new places, new people, new ideas, and new rules that make them rethink or doubt the ways of their state of being at the beginning of the story.

How can I change my character?

Improving Character

  1. Pop the Bubble. The first step you need to take to strengthen your character habits is to get real!
  2. Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis.
  3. Find the Fuel.
  4. Now, Write it Down.
  5. Focus Your Attention.
  6. Go Public – Share Your Change Plan with Others and Ask for Help.
  7. After Six Months, Reassess.

Can a story have two protagonists?

Writing a story with multiple main characters or protagonists is possible, but it will not be easy. Carefully think through your story idea and whether you might tell it in a simpler format. There’s a reason there are so many books with only one protagonist.

Can there be 2 main characters?

Answer: The short answer is yes, but there are some issues you may want to consider. For instance, how much you develop each of your main (or point-of-view) characters is up to you. To develop each of them fully would mean giving each of them a personal arc in which they wrestle with a unique inner conflict.

How do you introduce a new character in a script?

Often, screenwriters will begin with the character description before the formal introduction, and this can be done either with dialogue from a previous scene, or through action in the lines running up to the intro. An urbane man in his late 30’s enters the room.