What is tu y ella?

What is tu y ella?

tu y ella. Translation. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ You and her. Play.

What does Ella mean in pronouns?

It didn’t take long into Garcia’s teen years to realize that the pronoun “ella”—which means “her” or “she” in Spanish, did not describe Garcia.

What are the 4 pronouns in Spanish?

The Spanish subject pronouns are: yo, tú, él, ella, usted in the singular, and nosotros/nosotras, vosotros/vosotras, ellos/ellas, ustedes in the plural. Don’t use the subject pronouns (other than usted and ustedes) with verbs except for emphasis or clarity.

Is usted third person singular?

Usted is never 3rd person of singular. Tú, usted and vos are 2nd person of singular, but used in different levels of respect.

What person is UDS?


Do Spaniards use ustedes?

In Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used, as well, but only for more formal occasions, or occasions where respect must be shown. So, if you meet the Pope while in Spain, be sure to use the usted form. In other Spanish-speaking countries, however, vosotros is never (or rarely) used.

What is the correct abbreviation of ustedes?

When you’re talking to more than one person, you use Ustedes. Ud. Is the abbreviation for Usted, and Uds. Is the abbreviation for Ustedes.

Is usted a capital?

Subject pronouns in Spanish are generally not capitalized unless they are the first word in a sentence. are always capitalized, although the longer versions ( usted and ustedes) are not capitalized except when they’re the first word in a sentence.

What is eres?

Eres is the 2nd person informal conjugation of the Spanish verb ser, which mean to be. As @User-12123476001900328213 is correct in that eres would be equivalent to the English you are. The word eres has some connotations that the phrase you are does not. Eres is a conjugation of the word ser.

Does Eres go with TU?

Tú is informal and Usted is formal. A) Tú can be used before a verb: Tú eres inteligente. (= You are intelligent)