What is your understanding of the PIP Estella relationship in the great expectations illustrate with examples?

What is your understanding of the PIP Estella relationship in the great expectations illustrate with examples?

Illustrate with examples. Pip – Estella relationship in the Great Expectations? Illustrate with examples. From the time he first sees her at Satis House, Estella is, for Pip, the source of his most intense feelings, the centre of the dreams and hopes that are to offer his great expectations their deepest meaning.

What role does Estella play in the life of PIP?

Raised from the age of three by Miss Havisham to torment men and “break their hearts,” Estella wins Pip’s deepest love by practicing deliberate cruelty. And rather than marrying the kindhearted commoner Pip, Estella marries the cruel nobleman Drummle, who treats her harshly and makes her life miserable for many years.

How does orlick try to kill PIP?

Orlick insinuates that he knows and has been in communication with Compeyson and knows that Pip and Magwitch are attempting to escape. Orlick is drinking like a fish and his eyes are red. When his bottle is dry, Orlick grabs a stone hammer and gets ready to kill Pip.

Why does orlick call Pip Wolf?

Who is the wolf? Orlick calls Pip the wolf because he thinks that Orlick is trying to take everything away from him.

Why did orlick attack Mrs Joe?

When Pip and Joe return from the town they find Mrs Joe has been attacked. Biddy suspects her attacker is Orlick because Mrs Joe draws a hammer which she associates with Orlick. Also she behaves subserviently around him, as if she is frightened of him and wants to appease him.

Why does magwitch say PIP Cannot appreciate freedom the way he does?

Magwitch tells Pip that Pip cannot appreciate freedom. This is because Magwitch has been imprisoned several times in his life and knows the difference between being free and being locked up. Magwitch uses the river as a metaphor for life as there are rough and smooth bits and it comes to an end.

Why does Pip cause orlick to be fired?

Orlick hates Pip and is jealous of his rise in status. Pip gets Orlick fired by telling Jaggers of his criminal past. How does Pip learn that Estella is on her way to London?

What news does Joe bring PIP?

great expectation

What does Pip ask Jaggers to do?

Pip asked Jaggers to get rid of Orlick. Jaggers agreed to Pip’s request and saai he would go round and pay him off.