What literary devices are used in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

What literary devices are used in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

There are seven different types of literary devices and they all can be found in “There Eyes Were Watching God”. The seven different devices are: Irony, Symbolism, Point of View, Metaphor, Simile, Sensory Imagery, and Foreshadowing.

What happens in chapter 18 of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 18 In a sudden burst of thunder and lightning, the storm hits — and the world of Janie, Tea Cake, and the migrants is destroyed. As the people cluster together in fear of the elements, their eyes are not watching each other or the storm. In silent prayer, they are watching God.

What are the symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Symbols

  • The Horizon. Janie invokes the symbol of the horizon repeatedly throughout the novel; to Janie, the horizon symbolizes the realm of the possible, that which she can dream about.
  • The Pear Tree.
  • Checkers.
  • Mule.
  • The Hurricane.

What happens to tea cake in Chapter 18?

Tea Cake dives to the rescue and wrestles in the water with the beast, who bites him on the cheek before he stabs it to death.

Why did Tea Cake kill the dog?

Hover for more information. Janie kills Tea Cake because he had rabies. Rabies is a deadly disease that causes insanity and erratic and violent behavior, so her killing of Tea Cake is an act of self defense and a kind mercy killing.

What happened just before tea cake died?

Tea Cake came home complaining of a headache. He had rabies, and that he had almost no chance to recover. Janie held Tea Cake in her arms and wept and silently thanked him for the time they had together. Tea Cake bit her on the arm just before he died.

What was tea cakes first symptom?

Back on the muck, Tea Cake checks up on his old friends and is relieved to learn that only one of them died in the storm. He soon finds work, and after three weeks, he and Janie take time off to enjoy rifle shooting. Some time later, Tea Cake begins to show signs of an infection where the dog bit him on the cheek.

Did Janie kill tea cake?

Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. A few weeks before, Tea Cake was bitten while rescuing Janie from an angry dog during the hurricane. Finally, out of his mind, Tea Cake shoots at Janie, and she kills him in self-defense.

Does tea cake really love Janie?

Tea Cake loves Janie as much as she loves him. Tea Cake shows Janie affection which is something that is missing in her marriage with Joe and Logan. When Tea Cake comes home to Janie and sees her crying on the floor, “he [takes] her head in his hands and ease[s] himself into the chair. [Janie doesn’t] say anything.

What is the age difference between Tea Cake and Janie?

They argue for a little while about their age difference. Tea Cake is around 25 and Janie is around 40. She thinks that she is too old for him, but he doesn’t care.

Was tea cake a good person?

Hurston depicts Tea Cake as not simply a good or bad person, but instead as a real person who is complicated and not easily understood. However, in the middle of the storm, Tea Cake saves Janie from a rabid dog, ultimately sacrificing his own life in this act of love-driven heroism.

Should Janie Trust tea cake?

Do you think Janie is foolish to trust Tea Cake? Explain. Yes, but no, because he seems to be a very good guy, but everyone in the town basically tells her that he has no money, therefore, it seems as if he would be going after her for her money.

What secret does Janie keep from tea cake?

The secret money that Janie keeps from Tea Cake is representative of her fears that what people think is true. That she is too old for Tea Cake and he will leave her for another woman. Although, her true fear is that she is making a mistake. Before being with Tea Cake, Janie was only living her life for other people.

Why does Janie again doubt tea cake?

She just wants people to know that she did it in self defense not anything else. Town-Joe=hated her, Tea Cake=realized what she was going through. Janie actually felt grief because she really loved him. She has felt her vision of love, so she feels she should feel grief.

Where do Janie and Tea Cake get married?

Janie leaves Eatonville and marries Tea Cake in Jacksonville, Florida . Despite her love for him, she is cautious about their financial situation and doesn’t tell Tea Cake about two hundred dollars she has hidden away.

Why is tea cake in Eatonville?

People in Eatonville are scandalized by Janie and Tea Cake’s romance for several reasons. Janie is a well-off widow who owns a house and a store, while Tea Cake “can’t do nothin’ but help her spend whut she got.” The Eatonville neighbors are sure Tea Cake only wants Janie’s money.

Why is tea cake called tea cake?

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Tea Cake is called Tea Cake because people couldn’t easily say his real name, which is Vergible Woods. The nickname also reflects how sweet Janie finds him.

What happens in chapter 13 of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Summary: Chapter 13 Janie leaves Eatonville and meets Tea Cake in Jacksonville, where they marry. A week later, Tea Cake leaves early, saying that he is just running to get fish for breakfast. He doesn’t come back, and Janie discovers that her money is missing.

Is Tea Cake black?

Vergible Wood aka Tea Cake is one of the most endearing Black male characters in African-American literature.

What race is tea cake?

Turner’s lack of respect for Janie’s husband, Tea Cake, a darker-skinned black man.

Why does tea cake have to die?

He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. Because of this, Janie is forced to kill the man she loves to put him out of his rabies-induced misery. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

How does Janie feel after tea cake dies?

She doesn’t. Tea Cake dies in her arms, still hateful and biting down on Janie’s forearm. She weeps over his body and silently thanks him for giving her the chance to love. The entire black community is set against her; they feel like she has betrayed Tea Cake.

How is tea cake different from Joe?

Unlike Joe, Tea Cake’s self-confidence is not combined with ambition; unlike Joe, he can openly express his love for Janie. He is able to give her the dream of love that Joe Starks never understood. Even Tea Cake’s death contrasts with Joe’s.

What is the only thing Janie takes with her back to Eatonville?

Since the Everglades mean nothing to Janie without Tea Cake, she returns to Eatonville, taking only a package of seeds that she plans to plant in remembrance of Tea Cake.

Does Janie die in Tewwg?

Through her relationship and time with Tea Cake, Janie found herself, and she is strong now, even without him. Realizing that she has finally reached her “horizon” and can be at peace, she is content. The story does not indicate that Janie has died. mwestwood, M.A.

What did Janie tell Phoebe she learned on her journey?

In her journey through life, Janie has learned two important lessons: People must “go tuh God,” and they must “find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.”

How does Janie deal with her $200?

How does Janie deal with her $200? What does Phoeby tell her to do? Janie takes her $200 and pins it inside her shirt next to her skin. Phoeby tells her to bring it along in secret and never let Tea Cake know she had it.

What is the significance of the horizon in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

The horizon is a symbol of Janie’s lifelong search for happiness. At the end of the story, Pheoby is anxious to seek her own horizon with her husband, as a result of hearing Janie’s story. Another metaphor in the novel can be found in the working men and women and the comparison to the mule.

What does the hurricane symbolize in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

The hurricane represents the destructive fury of nature. As such, it functions as the opposite of the pear tree and horizon imagery: whereas the pear tree and horizon stand for beauty and pleasure, the hurricane demonstrates how chaotic and capricious the world can be.

What chapter does Janie talk about the horizon?

Chapter 4

Did Janie marry tea cake?

Janie leaves Eatonville and meets Tea Cake in Jacksonville, where they marry.

Why did Janie let tea cake hit her?

Tea Cake begins to identify Janie as his possession. Because he feels threatened after Janie meets Mrs. Turner’s fault that he hit Janie because she sent her brother “tuh bait Janie in and take her away from me.” Beating Janie stems from Tea Cake’s need to control her, his jealousy, and the fear of losing his wife.

Does tea cake get rabies?

Tea Cake contracted rabies when he was bitten by a rabid dog. This happened during the hurricane that destroyed Tea Cake and Janie’s home in the Everglades. In chapter 18, Tea Cake and Janie are fighting the storm.

What literary devices are used in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

What literary devices are used in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

There are seven different types of literary devices and they all can be found in “There Eyes Were Watching God”. The seven different devices are: Irony, Symbolism, Point of View, Metaphor, Simile, Sensory Imagery, and Foreshadowing.

What figurative language is used in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God receives considerable attention. In this work, she uses figurative language such as symbolism, metaphor, and personification as a way to emphasize and illustrate her message.

How does Hurston use figurative language in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Critical Essays Figurative Language in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Hurston uses many symbols and metaphors in Their Eyes Were Watching God to develop Janie’s story. Symbols stand for, represent, or suggest another thing. One of the prevalent metaphors in the novel is the image of the horizon.

What are the symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God?


  • Hair. Janie’s hair is a symbol of her power and unconventional identity; it represents her strength and individuality in three ways.
  • The Pear Tree and the Horizon. The pear tree and the horizon represent Janie’s idealized views of nature.
  • The Hurricane. The hurricane represents the destructive fury of nature.

What are the major themes in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes

  • Gender Roles and Relations.
  • Voice, Language and Storytelling.
  • Desire, Love, and Independence.
  • Power, Judgment, and Jealousy.
  • Race and Racism.

Why did Janie kill tea cake?

Why does Janie kill Tea Cake? Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. A few weeks before, Tea Cake was bitten while rescuing Janie from an angry dog during the hurricane. Tea Cake gets sick, but by the time a doctor sees him and recognizes that the dog has infected Tea Cake with rabies, it is too late.

How did Joe Starks die?

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Joe Starks dies from kidney failure and old age. Essentially, his elderliness probably caused his kidneys to stop working properly. Joe dies while continuing to harangue Janie for her alleged faults.

What is tea cake’s real name?

Vergible Woods

Did Tea Cake give Janie rabies?

Expert Answers Janie does not get rabies, there is no evidence of that in the story. She returns home because she did not want to remain in the Everglades without him.

Where did Janie kill tea cake?

She doesn’t. Tea Cake dies in her arms, still hateful and biting down on Janie’s forearm. She weeps over his body and silently thanks him for giving her the chance to love. The same day, Janie is put on trial for killing Tea Cake.

Does tea cake really love Janie?

Tea Cake loves Janie as much as she loves him. Tea Cake shows Janie affection which is something that is missing in her marriage with Joe and Logan. Making Janie happy shows that he loves her because he is not happy unless she is.

How does Tea Cake justify beating Janie?

Turner telling Janie that Tea Cake is too black for her and that she should be with Mrs. Turner’s brother, instead. In chapter 17, Tea Cake beats Janie so that he can show Mrs. Turner who is boss, then he stages a fight that destroys her restaurant so that she will leave town.

Why does tea cake take $200 from Janie?

He has a total of $322, and he tells Janie to take her $200 back. He vows that they’ll live off his earnings and not depend on her cash or the money she’s saved up in her bank account. Tea Cake assures his wife that they’ll go try their luck farming in the Everglades once he recovers.

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie?

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie? yes. he is usually never violent toward Janie always acting out of pure love.

Who is SOP de bottom?

Laborers who live and work in the muck. Sop-de-Bottom in particular voices good-natured jealousy of Tea Cake’s power over Janie. All of these men are present at the fight at Mrs. Motor Boat is a friend of Tea Cake and Janie’s and fellow laborer in the muck.

Why didn’t sop de bottom stop beating his wife?

Why doesn’t Sop-de-Bottom hit his wife anymore? Sop-de-Bottom says that if he tried to hit his wife, not only would she yell so loud the whole county could hear her, she would also knock out his teeth. You just studied 10 terms!

Who did Janie marry?


Who was Janie’s third husband?

Tea Cake

Which husband did Janie love the most?

Disillusioned by her unhappy marriage to Logan Killicks, Janie falls in love with Jody and the opportunity he represents. But the romance she thought she found does not last long. Soon, Joe becomes jealous of his beautiful wife. He moves her away to a place that was supposed to be a “town all outa colored folks” (28).

What was Janie’s first husband like?

Logan Killicks – Logan is Janie’s first husband, a product of an arranged marriage by Janie’s grandmother (Nanny). Logan seemed to be an excellent husband for Janie because he owned his own property and was well-known and respected throughout the community. Logan, however, treated Janie more as a slave than a wife and …

Who does Janie kiss over the fence?

Johnny Taylor

What does watching the blossoming pear make Janie realize?

What does the blossoming pear make Janie realize? She saw the blossoming pear and realized the connection to marriage, and felt she had been summoned to behold a revelation. She felt “a pain remorseless sweet” and she got up from where she was and went to the front garden.

Where did Janie have her first kiss?

In chapter 2 of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God , Janie kisses Johnny Taylor over the fence. One spring day when Janie is still a young girl, she is under a pear tree in the yard.

What does Janie want nanny?

What does Janie want Nanny to do? She wants Nanny to tell her how to love Logan.

What did Nanny give her daughter?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Born into slavery, Nanny tells Janie her life story when the girl is sixteen. Her experiences make her sadly aware of what can happen to an attractive woman. Her daughter, Leafy, was the product of the attentions of a white master.

Why did Janie live with Nanny?

Nanny wants Janie to live a financially secure life after her impending death. This desire is not only motivated by her concern for Janie, but by the worldview she developed from her experience in slavery.

How does Janie feel about her husband?

How does Janie feel about her husband? She doesn’t like the the shape of his head or the fact that he has a big belly. She also hates stirring up his smell when in bed. She feels disappointed.

Who did Janie not marry?

Janie shares this insight she gained from two marriages as Janie’s friend Pheoby tries to warn her against marrying Tea Cake. After her marriage to Jody ended, Janie was in no hurry to remarry.

What did Janie hope she would discover once she was married?

What did Janie hope she would discover once she was married? When Nanny asks Janie if she is pregnant on page 22, Janie says, “Ah’m all right data way. She is saying that the real love will come after marriage.

What is the name of the boy Janie kisses at the gate?

Janie Crawford, an African-American woman in her forties, recounts her life starting with her sexual awakening, which she compares to a blossoming pear tree kissed by bees in spring. Around this time, Janie allows a local boy, Johnny Taylor, to kiss her, which Janie’s grandmother, Nanny, witnesses.