What logical conclusion can be drawn about Odysseus leadership?

What logical conclusion can be drawn about Odysseus leadership?

The answer is C. He is an efficient leader who prompts his crew to work quickly .

Which characteristics of an epic hero does Odysseus show in this episode?

What heroic qualities does Odysseus reveal as he plots against the Cyclops? Odysseus reveals his intelligence, quick thinking, bravery cleverness, his resourcefulness, and his creativeness. What does Odysseus give Cyclops to drink? 3 bowls of wine.

What obstacles has Odysseus faced so far on his road of trials check all that apply?

Answer Expert Verified The obstacles that Odysseus has faced so far on his road of trials are: Lord Helios, the sum god, has killed Odysseus´men for eating his cattle. Zeus has sent a huge sea storm. Some of the men have eaten the lotus flower and had to be rescued.

What can be inferred about the cyclops he lives?

He lives in fear of Zeus and all the rest of the Greek gods. He sided and fought with the Trojans during the war. He is eager to provide food and shelter to his guests.

How did Odysseus solve the problem of the Lotus Eaters?

A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus. Only by dragging his men back to the ship and locking them up can Odysseus get them off the island.

Why does Odysseus struggle to get home?

Here, the narrator names the subject of the poem—Odysseus—and his objective throughout the poem: “to save his life and bring his comrades home.” The narrator identifies the causes of Odysseus’s struggle to return home, naming both the sun god, Helios, and Odysseus’s fellow sailors themselves as responsible: “The …

Why does Penelope test the suitors?

To assure herself of Odysseus’ identity, Penelope tests him. As he listens, she asks Eurycleia to move the bedstead out of the couple’s chamber and spread it with blankets.

What test does Penelope devise for the suitors?

What contest does Penelope devise to test the suitors? She remembers a contest which Odysseus used to set up, where he would send a narrow through the iron of twelve axes. She decides whoever can string the great bow of Odysseus and repeat this feat shall be her husband.