What made these two gift givers the wisest?

What made these two gift givers the wisest?

Their realization that their material gifts were less important than they originally believed. …

Why do you think O’Henry says that these two are the wisest in the gift of the Magi?

He sold his watch. The narrator says that these two are the wisest gift givers, because although they were foolish, they each sacrificed what mattered most to make sure the other was happy. So they were wise fools.

What was Jim’s gift for Della?

Jim gives Della her present– a set of ornamental combs, which she will be unable to use until her hair grows back out. Della gives Jim the watch chain, and he tells her that he sold the watch to buy the combs.

What is the main idea of the story The Gift of the Magi?

Della Young and Jim Young’s deep love for each other is the central theme of “The Gift of the Magi.” It makes them willing to sacrifice their most prized possessions in order to buy a Christmas gift for the other person. Both show they value their relationship more than material things.

What is the symbolism of the gift of the Magi?

Gold, a metal, is a symbol of earthly kingship; frankincense, an incense, is a symbol of godliness; and myrrh, an embalming oil, is a symbol of death. Thus the gifts were given in recognition of Jesus’s importance within the Christian story. In “The Gift of the Magi,” the magi symbolize wisdom.

What is the significance of 3 in The Gift of the Magi?

The number three is significant “The Gift of the Magi” because it represents a motif from the Bible. In the Bible, three is a symbol of completeness and certainty. By alluding to the three magi who visited the infant Jesus with gifts and by repeating three times that Della and Jim gave the “wisest” gifts of all, O.

Why did Della cry on seeing Jim’s gift for her?

Della is sad that she is unable to buy Jim a decent Christmas present. Christmas day is the next day, and she desperately wants to buy Jim a present, but just can’t afford it. In order to afford a present for Jim, Della decides to sell her hair.

How did Della react when she saw Jim’s gift to her?

How did Della react when she saw Jim’s gift to her? Answer: There was an ecstatic scream of joy when Della saw Jim’s gift to her. Then immediately, there was a quick change to hysterical tears and wails….

What was Jim and Della’s most precious possession?

Jim’s most valued possession was his watch, and Della’s was her hair. Jim and Della were a young couple who loved each other very much, but were not wealthy. What they did have they valued highly. Jim placed great importance on a gold watch that had been passed down through the family for generations….

What did Jim and Della learn at the end of the story?

Unfortunately, because Jim and Della don’t have much money, they have to make sacrifices to buy their gifts: Jim sells his watch while Della sells some of her pretty locks to a fancy hair salon. They learn that it’s the spirit of love in which gifts are given that matters and not the gifts themselves.

What does the story reveal about Della and Jim?

Jim and Della are considered the Magi because they gave each other the ultimate gift. Della sold her most prized possession–her hair–to buy Jim a platinum chain for his watch. Jim sold his most prized possession–his watch–to buy Della precious combs for her beautiful, long hair.

Who made the biggest sacrifice Jim or Della?

In a word, it would vitiate purity of the giving. Second, the whole point of the story is to show that when two people give, then all stand to gain. Della gained in that she expressed her love in a great way. Jim gained as well, because he, too, showed his love.

Why did Jim and Della sell their most valuable items?

Della and Jim sell valuable things to get money to buy gifts for each other, because they are poor. Both Della and Jim give up valuable possessions so they can buy Christmas gifts for each other. Della and Jim were wise because they were willing to make sacrifices to show their love for each other.

What can you say about Jim and Della as husband and wife?

Answer: Jim and Della are husband and wife and they love each other. Jim’s watch was given to him by his father and has been in his family for many years. Della and Jim both feel that it is important to give nice gifts to each other to express their love….

What does Jim’s watch symbolize?

Jim’s watch holds sentimental value for him as well, having been passed down from generation to generation. The gold in the watch can also symbolize several things, including purity, money (which the couple lacks), inner value, and permanence.

How do Jim and Della prove their true love?

In ”The Gift of the Magi,” Jim and Della prove their love for each other by selling their most prized possessions in order to buy the other a lavish……

What does Jim say about Della’s hair?

How does Jim react when he sees that Della cut her hair? Jim doesn’t say anything and freezes. He stares at her because he can’t believe that it is actually gone. Della believes that Jim’s reaction means that he does not like her hair cut, he does not think she is beautiful anymore, and he will no longer love her.

What was Jim’s reaction when he saw Della’s hair?

Answer Expert Verified. Jim was just stupefied to see Della’s short hair. He just kept staring at her feeling a mixture of many emotions. Jim felt disappointment, confusion, love, and pride at the same time….

How are Della and Jim the wisest of all who give and receive gifts in the gift of the Magi?

Henry says of Jim and Della’s that “ of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are the wisest… The narratorcalled them the magi because their gifts are gifts of love, and those who give out of love and self-sacrifice are truly wise because they know the value of self-giving love.

How did Della react when she saw Jim’s gift to her? Answer: There was an ecstatic scream of joy when Della saw Jim’s gift to her. Then immediately, there was a quick change to hysterical tears and wails.