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What makes a casserole a casserole?

What makes a casserole a casserole?

Getting down to the basics, a casserole is any food that is cooked and served in the same dish. They are typically baked and can consist of proteins like beef, chicken, or fish, a variety of vegetables, or almost anything else you can think of. Then, it is cooked uncovered in an oven.

What are three guidelines to follow when preparing casseroles?

Casserole basics

  • Batch work. Brown the meat in batches to avoid cooking it in its own juices.
  • Burn alert. Be careful not to burn the bottom of the pan when you brown the meat, or your casserole will have a burnt taste.
  • Liquid loving.
  • Size it up.
  • Vegie rules.
  • Thick tricks.
  • Make it ahead.

What ingredient is used as an extender in a casserole?

The extender/starch, a food ingredient that helps thicken a dish. – Dry bread crumbs; cooked, diced potatoes; pasta, rice, grits, or barley; cooked, mashed dry beans. Add fiber, vitamins and minerals to the casserole.

What goes well with chicken casserole?

From roasted vegetables to colorful salads to flavorful rice, here are 14 savory side dishes that will transform your chicken casserole into a family favorite.

  • Lemon Pepper Roasted Broccoli.
  • Lemon Almond Asparagus.
  • Lemon-Sesame Green Beans.
  • Salad.
  • Fruit Salad.
  • Applesauce.
  • Chutney-Glazed Carrots.
  • Rice.

How do you add Flavour to chicken casserole?

Try different herbs for added flavour: sage or lemon thyme work wonderfully well. For a meatier casserole, add chopped sausage or pancetta when cooking the chicken. Stir wholegrain mustard through the casserole at the end of cooking (to taste); this is especially good if you have sausage in the casserole.

What Thanksgiving food can I make ahead of time?

7 Thanksgiving Dishes You Should Always Make Ahead (and 5 You Should Never)

  • Stuffing. “We always make my mom’s sweet potato stuffing ahead of time.
  • Casseroles.
  • Mise en place.
  • Gravy.
  • Most desserts.
  • Turkey and chicken stock.
  • Brussels Sprouts.
  • Rolls.

What can I make the day before Thanksgiving?

Freeze Your Feast: The Ultimate Make-Ahead Thanksgiving

  1. Recipes for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving.
  2. Make-Ahead Roasted Turkey Breast.
  3. Make-Ahead Turkey Gravy.
  4. Make-Ahead Green Bean Casserole.
  5. Make-Ahead Whipped Sweet Potatoes.
  6. Make-Ahead Sausage Stuffing.
  7. Make-Ahead Cranberry-Fig Chutney.
  8. Make-Ahead Dinner Rolls.

What should a guest bring to Thanksgiving dinner?

Be a gracious guest and show up with something thoughtful or — in the spirit of the holiday — something edible!

  1. #1 An appetizer, side dish, or dessert.
  2. #2 Wine, whiskey, champagne, cider, or [insert your favorite drink].
  3. #3 Flowers or centerpieces.
  4. #4 An edible treat for the next morning.

What can you not bring to Thanksgiving?

5 Dishes People Don’t Want at Their Thanksgiving


What is the best time to have Thanksgiving dinner?

According to Twitter data reported by Food & Wine, families tend to eat Thanksgiving dinner earlier than later, with most people wrapping up the feast before 6 p.m.

What should I bring to Thanksgiving dinner with my boyfriends family?

If you and your boyfriend weren’t in charge of food prep, it’s nice to bring a small and thoughtful gift. A bottle of wine, flowers, or maybe an additional dessert will suffice, just enough to show your appreciation (and that you have some home training).

How do I win over my boyfriends family?

10 tips to impress your boyfriend’s parents

  1. Dress appropriately. First impression may not be the last, but it does leave a lasting image.
  2. Take a gift along It’s your first time at their place. You don’t want to go empty-handed.
  3. Go prepared.
  4. Let them do the talking.
  5. Spare the man.
  6. Don’t be a know-it-all.
  7. Refrain from PDA.
  8. Watch his ways.

What do you wear to a Thanksgiving dinner?

What to Wear to Thanksgiving Dinner

  • A Sparkly Top. A low-key celebration doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style.
  • A Soft, Warm Sweater Dress. If you feel like wearing a dress for Thanksgiving dinner, but without the formality, then this colorblock sweater dress is a great choice.
  • Silky Blouse.
  • Cozy Cardigan.
  • Jumpsuit.
  • Leggings.

How can I impress my girlfriend family?

Make a Good First Impression

  1. Dress well. Whether you’re having dinner at the parents’ house or meeting them at a restaurant, you need step it up beyond a t-shirt and jeans.
  2. Bring a gift.
  3. Call them Mr.
  4. Be confident.
  5. Be present.
  6. Turn off your phone.
  7. Be affectionate with your girlfriend.
  8. Be positive.

Is it disrespectful to kiss in front of your parents?

Avoid prolonged kissing or touching. Although this might be normal for the two of you around others, this is not a good way to act around your parents. They will appreciate your maturity if you abstain from this kind of behavior around them.

How can I be everyone’s crush?

Here they are.

  1. Maintaining eye contact.
  2. Be interested in who they are as a person and listen to everything they say.
  3. Make them feel appreciated and special.
  4. Smile a lot.
  5. Touch them more often.
  6. Embrace what the other person is most passionate about.
  7. Follow Lane on Twitter and Instagram.