What makes a good football coaching session?

What makes a good football coaching session?

It is important that the whole session runs smoothly. A typical session should go something like. Warm up and stretches – Dynamic Warm Up – Technical Session concentrating on your objective – A progression of your technical session – Small sided game focusing on what the players have learnt.

Why is it important to be a reflective coach?

Reflective practice creates the conditions for learning, growth, and performance for both coach and client alike. As an integrated skill set for learning and change, reflective practice can promote well-being for a coach, and consequently, for a client.

What is reflective practice in sports coaching?

To put it simply, reflective practice is a way of studying your experiences to improve the way you work, Ghaye (2001) enforces this belief by saying that the purpose of reflection is to improve our coaching, as well as understanding our practice better, this then improves the context that our coaching takes place in.

What is self reflection sports coaching?

Reflection makes the coach test their own behaviour, reminding them to act sensibly in their actions. Reflective evaluation shows areas where population, for example, children, have a bigger social need in addition to their individual sport.

What characteristics should a coach have?

A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient and a clear communicator.

What is critical reflection in coaching?

Critical reflection is the type of reflection coaches engage in when they think about their feelings or general coaching philosophy. The result of critical reflection is the reorganization of the coach’s mental model of coaching and better coaching.

Why is reflection so important for a coach?

Coaches are constantly reflecting. Inevitably, most of this is focused on player performance and future development. Having a personal goal is critical to help you learn and develop, and is essential to support detailed reflection on practice. How good coaches are at capturing reflections, and actually doing something with them, is challenging.

What is the reflective practice process in soccer?

A recent blog introduced you to a reflective practice process that has been designed based on a model created by The Football Association (F.A), soccer’s governing body in the UK. The process is designed to help players and coaches evaluate the effectiveness of their performances and identify opportunities to improve and develop.

Is it possible to improve your reflection skills?

Learning to reflect well, especially on your own coaching performance, is like any physical skill – it’s difficult initially, and will feel clunky and awkward. Over time, your reflective practice skills will improve. The process will feel slicker and easier, you’ll become more effective and get better results.

What can reflective practice do for your practice?

Reflective practice has been discussed as a strategy that could help practitioners explore their decisions and experiences to increase their understanding and management of themselves and their practice (Anderson et al., 2004).