What makes a person cruel?

What makes a person cruel?

If human beings are deprived of meaningful social connection, studies have shown they tend to become hateful and violent, even insane. So in a way, inflicting, imposing or sharing their negative emotions on the world and those in it is a way of sustaining and connecting with what remains of their humanness.

Why do I get angry when someone disagrees with me?

Some individuals get so angry when others disagree with them that extreme behaviors may occur. This can include physical violence, verbal abuse, or humiliation. Other individuals are comfortable and respectful to those with whom they disagree.

Why do I want to physically hurt others?

When we have feelings of wanting to harm others, it usually means we are feeling abused, misunderstood or mistreated. You deserve to be treated fairly, with kindness and understanding but many don’t receive this from the people they love. The best way to change this is to change the people you listen to.

Why do people hurt me?

The most common reason we get hurt by another person is: Our ideas of hurt don’t match. You understand that each person has emotionally sensitive areas that need to be handled delicately. You don’t point out other people’s faults. You don’t automatically find fault or argue just to get a rise out of someone.

Should you be nice to someone who hurt you?

Another reason to be kinder to someone who’s hurt you is because it can soften your attitude toward them. Sure, you can respond to them as mercilessly as they’ve been to you, but this will only make a bad situation worse. Being kinder to them is a smart way to respond to them.

Why do hurt people hurt people?

Their reactions stem from past experiences that led them to certain beliefs that they accepted as truth. They are actually just preconceived ideas projected onto others to protect their ego. Now instead of taking it personally, I recognize it for what it is and love the person anyway.

What to say to someone who treats you badly?

I speak to the offending person in factual and logical terms about why I am hurt. First, I explain why I feel they treated me badly – by trying to get them to see the “cause and effects” of their actions. So I start by describing the effects their behavior had on my feelings and life.

How would someone treat you a reflection?

Very often the way we treat others is the way we look at the world. It’s a reflection of how we feel about life, in general – especially as it relates to us. Their discontentment with life makes them discontent with just about everyone in it. Like most things in life, the choice is ours.

How do you know if someone is treating you badly?

5 Signs Someone You Love is Treating You Poorly (And How To Stop It)

  • 5 Signs Someone You Love Is Treating You Poorly.
  • You’re being taken for granted.
  • Your partner doesn’t respect you.
  • Your partner oversteps your boundaries.
  • Your partner doesn’t meet your emotional or physical needs.

What defines a toxic friend?

In a toxic friendship, you never feel that support or compassion. You feel minimized when they brush off your problems or ignored outright if they never respond to your messages or requests for help. In short, they aren’t there for you when you need a friend most.

What are your positive and negative personality traits?


Trait-Positive Trait-Negative
affectionate distant, cold, aloof
aspiring, ambitious, motivated self-satisfied, unmotivated
candid closed, guarded, secretive
caring uncaring, unfeeling, callous

Can a toxic man change?

Toxic Men and Relationships “While it is difficult, if not impossible, to change a person, you can change your perception and your own behavior, which can often bring about changes in the toxic man’s behavior,” said Dr. Glass.

Is it impossible to change your personality?

It has long been believed that people can’t change their personalities, which are largely stable and inherited. But a review of recent research in personality science points to the possibility that personality traits can change through persistent intervention and major life events.