What makes you fail a background check?

What makes you fail a background check?

There are plenty of reasons a person may not pass a background check, including criminal history, education discrepancies, poor credit history, damaged driving record, false employment history, and a failed drug test. We explore each of these reasons here — some are definitely more problematic than others.

What can disqualify you on a background check?

What Can Disqualify You on a Background Check?You have a poor employment history. You lied on your resume, or there are inconsistencies. You have a criminal history. You received bad references from previous employers. You have a poor credit history. You failed a drug or alcohol test. You have a bad driving record. You have questionable social media activity.

How can I pass a background check?

How to Pass Your Background Check in 3… 2… 1…Complete your own background check. One of the best ways to avoid being surprised check is to do a background check on yourself. Court and criminal records. Credit report. Driving record. Online presence. Always be honest. Empower yourself for a better tomorrow.

What is considered a successful background check?

Remember that “passing” a background check isn’t just about criminal history. Many employment background checks include verifications of education, work history, and professional licenses. Being honest about your background is the better route to employment and success.