What part of the cell stores waste?

What part of the cell stores waste?


What cell structure stores cell materials?

Cells have vesicles called vacuoles that act as temporary storage for materials in the cytoplasm. Vacuoles can store food and other material needed by a cell. They can also store wastes. Plant cells normally have one large vacuole.

What organelle contains stored food or wastes?

Cell Organelles: Function of the Organelles. StB-6th grade

Question Answer
Fluid filled organelles enclosed by a membrane. Contains stored food or wastes . . . ‘storage tanks for food, water, and wastes materials’ Vacuoles
Site of the production of ribosomes . . . ‘the little nucleus’ Nucleolus

What controls the movement of materials in the cell?

The cell membrane controls what moves in and out of the cell. Cell membranes only allow some solutes (solids) to move across it. Movement across the membrane depends on size and type of the solute (solid).

What materials move in and out of cells?

Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are among the few simple molecules that can cross the cell membrane by diffusion (or a type of diffusion known as osmosis ). Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane.

What goes in and out of a cell?

Because of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions of the phospholipid bilayer, small nonpolar molecules cross the membrane easily, while large and hydrophilic molecules cannot cross easily.

Why are Golgi bodies called packaging bodies?

Golgi body is the membrane-bound organelle that consists of the flattened sac. It involved in the modification and packaging of proteins, which are synthesized by cells. Golgi bodies are also involved in the transport of lipid molecules across the cell. Golgi bodies also create lysosomes.

Which is the sugar factory of the cell?


What is the factories of a cell?

The Cytoplasm: The Factory Floor The real work of the cell occurs in the cytoplasm, the cell’s “factory floor.” The term “cytoplasm” refers to everything between the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane. It consists mostly of water, salts, some proteins, and many small structures called organelles (or little organs).

What is the conveyor belt in a cell?

The Golgi apparatus is like a conveyor belt that “wraps” proteins inside vesicles so they can be “shipped” out of the cell. The DNA in the cell’s nucleus instructs the ribosomes to make mucus.

What is the center of a cell called?


What parts of a cell work together?

These organelles include the nucleus, which contains the genetic information necessary for cell growth and reproduction; mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy transactions necessary for cell and organism survival; lysosomes, which digest unwanted materials within the cell; and the endoplasmic reticulum and …

What makes a factory similar to a cell?

Cells are similar to factories in that they are both systems, which integrate and work together. Major cell parts function just like the structures and people who work together in a factory. Cells have a cytoplasm, which contains the organelles of the cell and serves as a floor space would be for a factory.