What point of view is the tell-tale heart written in?

What point of view is the tell-tale heart written in?

This passage is written as a first-person narrative told from the narrator’s point of view. Rewrite “The Tell-Tale Heart” from a new perspective (i.e., one of the police officers who visit the narrator or the old man).

What words show the tone of the Tell-Tale Heart?

The narrator’s tone in “The Tell-Tale Heart” can be described as agitated, defensive, and manic. Throughout the story, the unreliable narrator comes across as neurotic and mentally unstable when he speaks in staccato sentences, uses numerous exclamation points, and continually defends his sanity.

What is the narrator’s problem in the Tell-Tale Heart?

The main conflict in this story is between the narrator’s two chief desires: to get away with killing the old man whose vulture-like blue eye seems to him an evil eye and to still the old man’s beating heart, which he thinks he can hear, and, on the other hand, to be punished for his crime.

What is the symbolism of the Tell-Tale Heart?

The Heart – Traditionally the heart symbolizes the emotional center of the individual. In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” it symbolizes the narrator’s guilt. He hears the heart twice, immediately before killing the old man and when the police are investigating the crime. Is it possible the narrator hears his own heart?

What are some examples of foreshadowing in the Tell-Tale Heart?

Foreshadowing is especially important in the beginning of a story. In the opening paragraph, we learn that the narrator is nervous, and that he is insane. Both of these things foreshadow his murder of the old man. The disease had sharpened my senses—not destroyed—not dulled them.

What is an example of personification in the Tell-Tale Heart?

The most important example of personification in the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart” is the personification of the old man’s “evil eye.” Though the narrator never describes the eye as having a human form or doing human things, he does see it as a separate being from the old man himself.

Which statement best explains how irony is used in the passage the pedestrian?

Answer: A. Explanation: In this passage of “The Pedestrian”, by Ray Bradbury, the statement that best explains how irony is used is “… there is only one police patrol car to serve a city of three million people.” We can see that the irony points out that only one car is enough for three million people.

Which statement best reflects the purpose of satire?

The statement that best reflects the purpose of satire is it uses wit and irony to persuade its audience to pursue social change. The answer is letter A. The author uses satire in this excerpt by presenting the man as having been clean in mind and in deeds.