What powerful words start with a?

What powerful words start with a?

Words Start With “A”

Word Type Meaning
Antipathy noun Strong dislike
Apathy noun Lack of interest or enthusiasm, lack of emotion
Aplomb noun Calm, self confidence, poise
Appendage noun A thing attached to something larger or more important

What words that starts with a?

  • aardvark.
  • aardwolf.
  • aasvogel.
  • abacuses.
  • abalones.
  • abampere.
  • abandons.
  • abapical.

How many words start with an A?

Number of English words starting with each letter in descending order

Letters No. of words Percentage
p 24472 10.3%
c 19851 8.37%
a 16869 7.11%
u 16520 6.97%

What are cool words that start with A?

40 Amazing Words That Begin With ‘A’

  • ABARCY. Derived from a Greek word meaning “bread,” abarcy is insatiableness.

What are 6 letter words that start with A?

6 letter words that start with A

  • aahing.
  • aaliis.
  • abacas.
  • abacus.
  • abamps.
  • abased.
  • abaser.
  • abases.

What word sounds the same when you remove letters?

I still sound the same Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I? Empty.

What is the 8 letter word riddle?

The Explanation to What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word Riddle is that the word starting is the answer. Here the explanation is – starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.