What reasons does Calypso give Odysseus to stay on the island?

What reasons does Calypso give Odysseus to stay on the island?

Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island because she understands that, despite Odysseus sleeping with her, his heart longs for his wife and home.

What offer does calypso make Odysseus to get him to stay with her?


How did Calypso help Odysseus?

What does Calypso do to help Odysseus? She gives him her best wood in the island to build a boat, give him food and drinks for the journey, and she gives him favorable winds. Poseidon stirs up a hurricane with force winds, makes the ocean start spinning around, and and it breaks Odysseus’ boat.

Does Odysseus sleep with Calypso?

Hermes tells Calypso that Zeus commands her to release Odysseus. In response, Calypso angrily shouts that the gods become jealous when goddesses sleep with mortals, though they often sleep with mortal women. Though Odysseus sleeps with Calypso, he weeps for his wife and home.

How did Scylla become a monster?

There are two stories of Scylla’s transformation into a monster. One, Poseidon’s wife Amphitrite was jealous of the nymph and poisoned the pool in which she bathed. But Circe, who was in love with Glaucus herself, gave him a drink that turned Scylla into a monster

What is ironic about Penelope’s actions?

Odysseus doesn’t reveal his identity because he needed to make sure that Penelope knew it was really him and not question him like Telemachus had done so. It is ironic because Penelope is basically asking her husband to marry her.

How does Odysseus leave Calypso’s island?

He is let go by Calypso. More specifically, the gods allow him to leave. Zeus concludes that it is time for Odysseus to set sail for home.

Why does Odysseus not tell the rest of the story which continues on the island of Calypso?

Why does Odysseus not tell the rest of the story, which continues on the island of. Calypso? A-He promised Calypso that he would keep her secrets.

What happens to Odysseus before he ends up as Calypso’s prisoner?

4. What happens to Odysseus before he ends up as Calypso’s prisoner? He encounters a series of disasters on his way home from the war in Troy. She keeps Odysseus for 7 years.

Who keeps Odysseus 7 years?


Is Calypso a villain?

Calypso is a villain who is an enemy of Spider-Man. Calypso was created by the late Dennis O’Neil and Alan Weiss.

Do Calypso and Leo have babies?

No. Just no. Calypso looks at him from the hospital bed, watching carefully to make sure he doesn’t do something stupid to her baby. She frowns in disapproval as Leo lights his finger on fire and waves it in front of the baby….- ROC6.

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What is Calypso’s reaction to having to let Odysseus go?

What is Calypso’s reaction to having to let Odysseus go? Her reaction is very sad and emotional. But she knew she couldn’t refuse the gods order. She provides him with supplies for the raft.

Who is sent to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go?


What gift does Calypso offer Odysseus to convince him to remain with her?

Odysseus immortality

What is Calypso’s power?

Calypso is an ancient, pre-Olympian goddess. Her offer of immortality to Odysseus was sincere. This goddess of love, beauty, and seductionhas powers over life and death.

What is Calypso’s weakness?


What are Calypso’s strengths?

Strengths: Calypso had the ability to keep Odysseus and his crew as prisoners for over 7 years. This showed the amount of power she had as a nymph. Even the most heroic Odysseus could not escape her wrath. Weaknesses : There were no notable weaknesses of Calypso.

Who betrayed Calypso?

Davy Jones

What is Calypso’s island called?


Was Circe a goddess?

Circe (/ˈsɜːrsiː/; Ancient Greek: Κίρκη, pronounced [kírkɛː]) is an enchantress and a minor goddess in Greek mythology. She is either a daughter of the god Helios and the Oceanid nymph Perse or the goddess Hecate and Aeetes.